Chapter 17

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In the month after the men of SAMCRO were hauled away, Angel was starting to struggle. Precious was doing her best to keep things normal around the home but the lack of Bobby's presence weighed heavily on them both. Angel helped as much as she could with cooking and cleaning, but there were days she locked herself in her room. David tried to come over but every time, she would ask Precious to not let him in. Angel avoided everyone as much as she could.

Gemma stopped by once with Bambi, which Angel was grateful for. They spent the evening watching movies and eating popcorn. When Gemma and Bambi left that night, Angel felt her heart break. It would be another month before she would see Gemma or Bambi again.

Angel was confused the next time she saw Bambi at her house. Kozik's bike was parked out front and Bambi was inside, rolling her eyes at everything Precious was telling her to do. "Bambi, you causing trouble?" Angel called out as she dropped her bag near the door. Bambi smiled and ran over, wrapping her arms around Angel.

Kozik walked over and smiled at the two, "Hey is it ok if I leave her here tonight? I need to do some club things and I won't be back until tomorrow evening."

Angel nodded and hugged Bambi tightly. "Of course it's alright! I have new movies we can watch and it's been too long since we got to hang out! But wait, I thought she was staying with Gemma."

"Nah, she's been staying with me this whole time. Gemma, well she has her hands full. Thanks though kiddo." Kozik knelt down and turned Bambi to face him, "And do you remember what we talked about?" Bambi rolled her eyes and smiled, "Yes Uncle Kozi."

"Bambi, I'm serious. Do not make me tell your Daddy and Papi that you were making things hard for Angel and Precious." Bambi nodded quickly "I swear, I promise! Can I please hang out with my sister?" Kozik gave the girl a hug and kissed the top of her head. "I'll be back for you tomorrow, about dinner time. So be good and get your homework done."

Angel enjoyed having Bambi around for the day. It felt like life was normal once again. Kozik returned late the next day and asked them to keep Bambi another night. Angel was ecstatic that she could spend the day with Bambi and David. Good things never last though. The trio had made their way to the clubhouse to see Gemma and Jax when Angel noticed a very angry Mary making her way to the garage office. "Hey David, can you take Bambi inside please? I'm going to make sure those two don't tear each other apart."

Before Angel could make her way to the office, a firm hand held her back. "Leave them sis. Let them hash it out." Angel turned and noticed the bags under Opie's eyes. "Hey, what's going on?" Angel hadn't seen Opie look this miserable since the death of Thomas and JT. "Um, follow me. We got to talk." For the unforgotten number of times in the past months, Angel felt her stomach and heart clench up. Those were words she was beginning to dread but she followed Opie up the ladder and onto the roof. This is where they all came when they had thinking to do. Opie sat with his legs hanging over the roof and motioned for Angel to sit next to him . "So, what's going on Ope?"

Opie pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit on, ignoring the face that Angel made at him. "We're leaving tonight. Ma pulled me out of school this morning. Packed up what we could. She wants me out of Charming." Angel froze at the words. No, this can't be happening. Not now... she thought to herself and willed the tears not to come. "I don't want to go but she's had it with Pops. She filed for a divorce already. She'll get it too. I wanted to tell you in person."

Angel felt as if her world was falling apart. Bambi was with Kozik and traveled with him when she could. Gemma had seemed distant from her. Jax - well it was hard to keep a tab on where he was at times. And now Opie was being pulled away. "Have you told Bambs yet?" Opie blew out the smoke and shook his head. "Nah, not yet. I was surprised to see her here honestly. Look, I can see you struggling. Take care of you first Angel. Jax, I love him, but he isn't all here right now. I'll be gone, so it'll just be you and Bambi. Stay strong and look out for each other."

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