Chapter 15

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The school year seemed to come to an end so quickly for Angel. Before she knew it, she was hiding away from everybody to study for her finals. Often if people went looking for Angel, they would find Tara and Donna in the same room, all heads buried in books and surrounded by piles of notes and text. The week before finals, Bobby felt put out of his own home with the amount of room the girls took over. Angel would scold him again and again if he played the TV or music too loud, claiming she needed the silence to concentrate.

Bobby would be thankful once Angel had finished all her testing. No longer would he be treated like a prisoner in his own home, well at least until next year's finals. Bobby sat in the recliner situated in the corner of the living room as he watched Angel walk through the front door and sprawl over the couch. "How was school today?"

Angel turned her head to face her father and let out a groan. "Today was the last day of testing. My brain hurts. Like, honestly hurts. Can your brain hurt? Dad, do you think my brain will explode into nothingness? Because that's literally what it feels like right now."

Bobby stared at his daughter before letting out a loud laugh. The more she aged, the more amusing she seemed to get. Bobby loved these random little talks that they were able to get in before one of them was running off to do something. "You'll be fine. I've been meaning to ask, what are your plans for the summer?"

Angel sat up and thought for a moment. She could go back and work for Luanne for another summer. Luanne was constantly complaining that she was falling behind on paperwork and getting it organized. On the other hand, she could relax and hang out at the clubhouse or the garage with everyone else. "I was actually thinking of asking Luanne if she needed help again this summer. We've talked about getting one of the rooms farthest from the sets all cleaned out for me, and even getting me a little fridge for water and soda."

Bobby nodded as Angel spoke. As much as he didn't like the thought of her around the porn studio, he knew that Luanne and Otto were good about ensuring that Angel was never exposed to any of the filming or any of the actors while they were undressed.

Plus, Angel was good about saving the money she made. Bobby knew she'd have a comfortable savings by the time she was ready to think of college. "If they're ok with it. Fine. You know the rules. Otherwise, you can always see if Gemma needs help at the garage."


The last day of the school year was finally here and Angel hurried to clean out the rest of her locker. She was never really a messy person but she forgot how much stuff she kept. Numerous sweaters, water bottles, notebooks, and sketchbooks were still filling the bottom half of her locker. "Wow babe. Need any help taking this stuff home today?" Angel jumped and let out a small squeak of surprise. David was leaning on the locker next to hers, a big smile on his face. Angel playfully hit his arm, "Don't scare me like that!" All David could do was laugh and pull her in for a hug. "I"m sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Do you want help taking all this home?"

Angel stared back into her locker and gave a small nod. She had brought a small box to throw everything in, but she really didn't want to carry that all the way home. "That would be awesome! You're such a sweetheart, you know that right?" David just gave a small shrug and started putting everything into the box. "So Angel, I was, well, um, what are your plans for the summer?"

Angel shrugged back at him and smiled. "I"m still talking to my dad about that. This is usually the time he gets really busy with the club. I'm probably going to work with Luanne for most of the summer. It's nice to have that extra money. How about you?"

David just nodded and tried to smile. Part of him was disappointed that Angel wouldn't be free all summer and he was even more disappointed that his parents were trying to force him to go on a vacation he wanted nothing to do with. "Parents are trying to make me go with them to visit their country club "friends" in Florida. I'm trying to convince them to just let me stay."

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