Chapter 19

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Now that Opie was back in Charming for good, it seemed that the SAMCRO siblings were whole once again. They hadn't had a chance to really hang out together, but Angel was much happier knowing that both her brothers were in the same city and that she could see them daily.

As Angel sat in the clubhouse with Bambi, both girls attempting to do their homework but kept getting distracted by all the commotion around them. "What's going on?" Bambi shrugged her shoulders at the question, "I don't know. Something about Jax and Opie wanting to be Prospects."

Angel kept glancing back to the guys yelling behind closed doors. Jax and Opie were sitting at the bar, talking in whispers. "Well as it was expected. Don't get why they're making a fuss about this. Isn't this what they were being groomed for?"

The year seemed to have started out great for Angel Munson. Life finally seemed to be

giving the Munsons and rest of SAMCRO a good break from the bleaker points of life. Jax and Opie had been accepted as Prospects on the condition that they get their GEDs before coming patched members.

The school year seemed to go by so fast. Angel remembered the first day of school and she felt that when she blinked, it was already over. Angel wasn't ready for the end of the school year. She knew that David would be leaving for the Marines once school started up for her again. The Marines. Angel still couldn't believe it. She had months to prepare and the close it got to him leaving, the more she couldn't handle it.

"So what did we need to talk about?" Angel sat on the blanket next to David. They had gone to the park for a small picnic and out of nowhere David had said they needed to talk. Angel's heart sped up and she began to fidget with her ring. It had become her habit anytime she was anxious. David picked at the grass blades surrounding the edge of the blanket and tossed them aside. He had stayed quiet for moments before letting out a sigh. "I'm joining the Marines. I'm going in a couple days to fill out paperwork and begin the process. I won't be leaving right away to basic, it'll be a month or two before I leave for that."

Angel couldn't look at him anymore. Suddenly the pattern on the blanket became more interesting as Angel traced the pattern with her finger. David was leaving her. After promising he wouldn't, he was now leaving. David scooted closer to Angel and wrapped his arm around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. "It won't be for long. Basic is only a couple months long. Then I'll be back for a week before going back. I'll keep in touch as much as I can. You know I won't stop writing to you. And any chance I can get to call - you better believe it's you that I will be calling Angel."

She bit at her lip and nodded, afraid that if she spoke she would say the wrong things. Pulling her sleeves over her hands, Angel wiped at her face. David moved behind her so that she was between his legs and he pulled her back to rest against his chest. Angel sniffled and tried her best not to cry. Not in public, she thought to herself. "I love you Angel. This is the beginning for us. This will help get us out of here, like we talked about. Yes we'll be apart for a bit but I can get a good foundation built. Once I'm out and actually stationed, I can start saving up. Then as soon as you're ready, we'll work on getting you to wherever I am. I'll take care of us baby. We won't have to rely on anyone anymore. No more people telling us that this won't work. It'll be us against the world."

Angel closed her eyes and listened to the beating of David's heart. His arms were wrapped around her and she felt so safe. She understood his thinking. They had heard it from both sides. His parents were nice to her but she knew they wanted him with someone from their circle - someone with class. Then there was her family. They liked David, they really did. But the Hale name still seemed to give them pause. "Us against the world." Angel whispered as she clutched his arms. David squeezed her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. This would be hard for them both, but Angel was sure they could do this.

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