Chapter 5

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Gemma had been bedridden for the past few weeks, forcing the men to step up and care for the trio of children on their own. Bobby currently had Jax, Opie, and Angel occupied doing their homework at the clubhouse with promises of freshly baked cookies and letting them watch some TV. Jax could hardly sit still, constantly calling Bobby over and asking if his mommy had the baby yet. Bobby couldn't help but laugh and ruffle his head, reassuring him that as soon as Gemma was ready to have the baby, they'd all rush over to the hospital. Opie was just as excited as Jax. In his mind, this was his baby brother too and couldn't wait to meet him and help Jax teach him the games they played. The only one unsure of everything was Angel. She sat quietly at the table, having finished all her homework first. Angel had taken quickly to school and always seemed to enjoy the work given. Bobby was proud that she never complained about doing homework, only that she wanted to work ahead. He hoped that she would continue to be like that and go off to college, make something of herself so she wouldn't be like him or her mother.

Bobby had finished checking all the homework and made them cleanup while he got food ready. If anyone had told Bobby that he would be a father, babysitting, and making mac & cheese with home breaded chicken tenders for his daughter and the sons of his brothers, he would have laughed. But here he was, Angel was almost finished with her first year of school and soon she would be five years old. "Daddy, can I help you?"Bobby turned and nodded his head "Alright Angel, I do need some help". He really loved spending time with her and teaching her how to cook and bake with him. It amused him that she was responding more to being called Angel than her full name. He didn't blame her, her mother always called her Angel with disgust. I cant stand that bitch, he thought to himself. Ever since Susan had started dating her newest boyfriend, she had pushed Angel to the side. She was spending more time with Bobby so he couldn't really complain, but it enraged him that she refused to give up custody. He knew she was using Angel to get child support from him. Thankfully he had kept thorough records of everything he bought for his daughter. He refused to give Susan any more money than needed; she would spend it on those other brats anyway. "Are you excited for the new baby?" Bobby glanced at his daughter who shrugged. He noticed anytime the baby was brought up, Angel would get quiet and retreat back. "What's wrong baby girl? You know you can tell daddy." He had stopped breading the chicken and pushed it aside. Angel shrugged again and mumbled incoherently. "I'm sorry, you gotta excuse your dear old man, I seem to be going deaf. will you repeat that baby?" Ange gave a small smile and walked over to him, wrapping her tiny arms around his leg, "I'm sad. I'm going to be left alone when the baby comes," she whispered against his pants.

Bobby reached down and picked her up, "What makes you say that?"

"All everyone talks about is the baby. It's gonna be like Mommy. When the new kids come home, you're gonna forget about me and then I'll have to find a new home to live in. Then if they get new kids, I'm gonna be forgot'n again and need another new home, then I'll be all alone! And Opie and Jax won't play with me anymore" she sniffled and wiped at her face. Bobby was conflicted, he was angry that his own daughter thought he would be like her mother and part of him wanted to laugh at the story his daughter had thought up. He sat on one of the nearby chairs and pulled his daughter onto his lap. "Oh Angel, no one will replace you or forget about you. I know things at Mommy's house are strange right now. I will never EVER forget about you! Jax and Opie will still play games with you. It's going to be a while before the baby can even play games. We all love you here and you will always belong to the Samcro Family. Do you understand?" Angel looked up and nodded. Wrapping her tiny arms around her father, she nuzzled into his chest. "I love you Daddy." Bobby smiled and kissed the top of her head, "I love you too my princess. Now, let's get the food finished so we can feed you and the boys!"

It wasn't until a few days after Angel and Bobby's conversion that Gemma finally went into labor. Bobby, Tig, and Tig's old lady, Genevieve, had volunteered to look after all the kids and the garage. Everyone else had a run to do and would be gone for the next few days.

As Bobby and Tig escorted the children into the hospital room, Angel gripped her father's hand tighter. Gemma was sitting up in bed, a tiny bundle in her arms, as JT sat beside her. Jax ran over to his parents and stood on his tiptoes, trying to see his newest sibling. Tig picked him up and gently set him on the bed. Opie was the next to run over, but he stood patiently next to the bed, until Gemma was ready to show everyone the newest Teller. "Angel, come here. Come meet your little brother," she spoke softly to the girl. Opie turned and held his hand out to Angel, urging her to come closer. Angel took Opie's hand and stepped closer to the bed. She bite her lip and took a deep breath when she realized what Gemma had said, "My little brother?" Angel scrunched her face in confusion. The adults chuckled and Gemma reached down, stroking Angel's cheek softly. "Family isn't just blood baby. You, Jax, Opie, and now little Thomas, you're all brothers and sisters." Angel smiled and gave a small giggle, "I like having Jax and Opie as big brothers."

"We like you as our little sister too!" Jax beamed at her. Opie squeezed Angel tightly and picked her up, letting her upper half rest on the bed to see the baby better. Bobby stepped forward and lifted Angel from little Opie, who scowled up at his uncle. "I had her Uncle Bobby! I wasn't gonna drop her!" Bobby ruffled the boy's hair and smiled, "I know Opie, just trying to give her better look." Opie seemed to accept the answer and turned back toward Gemma, who was beaming at having all her babies in the same room. "Guys, put them on the bed with me. I want a picture with all my babies!"

Jax and Opie sat on either side of Gemma. Angel was sitting between Opies legs as she peered at the small baby. "I love you already little brother," she whispered. Right as Genevieve we taking the picture, Angel leaned over and pressed a kiss to little Thomas's nose.

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