Chapter 4

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The time had come and Bobby was dreading every moment of it. He sat on the recliner in the living room, refusing to look at anything on the walls. He hated being in Susan's place. The walls were filled with pictures of Susan and her boyfriend, as well as his kids. There was only one or two pictures of his little angel scattered throughout. He could hear quiet voices and the shuffling of feet from all the children. Susan's boyfriend had stayed in the kitchen, refusing to even acknowledge Bobby's presence. He rubbed his hands down his face and sighed. He just had to stay strong for Angel, it was only going to be another hour at most of being around them. "Daddy!" Angel came running into the room, her hair knotted and unruly, her clothes too large for her small frame. Bitch couldn't even brush her hair or get her new clothes...He seethed on the inside but kept a smile. "Hey angel -face. Go grab your brush so I can get your hair under control ok?" Angel nodded and ran back toward the bathroom. Rising from his seat, Bobby made his way to the small kitchen and leaned against the doorway. Susan was getting her boyfriend's children all settled in for breakfast.

The little girl, who was Angel's age, had her hair brushed and braided into pigtails. The young boy and girl were munching happily on their food, their clothes looking freshly pressed and very obviously new. It was obvious that Susan took better care of these two than her own daughter. "Hey Suzy, I'm going to brush Angel's hair then take her to school. Is that alright with you?" Susan glanced up and shrugged at him. "Do whatever you want. Tempted to shave her head, get rid of that fucked up hair of hers." Bobby tensed and stomped away from the seemingly perfect family. Angel walked back to her father, her eyes cast to the floor as she handed him the brush. "C'mere sweetie. Let's get your hair all pretty ok?" Angel remained quiet throughout the whole ordeal, sniffling softly when Bobby got to a nasty knot. He whispered softly to her, "Don't worry angel. We'll get your hair under control. Don't listen to Mommy. Your hair is beautiful, it's just like daddy's. After this, we're going to Aunt Gemma, she has new clothes for you" FInally getting her hair under control, and with minimal tears, Angel was almost ready for her first day of school.

Arriving at Gemma's house, Bobby noticed that there were multiple bikes already parked out front. The kids' first day of school was always a big deal to them and now Angel was going to be part of that. "Hey baby!" Gemma was already waiting at the door and ushered them in. She stopped when she finally glanced down at Angel. Her shirt was so big, it looked like she was drowning in it. "What the hell is this?" Her eyes were cold as she glared at Bobby, who was holding his hand up in defense. "This is how Susan was going to send her to school today. She's so busy being mom to her boyfriend's brat, I walked in and Angel's hair wasn't brushed. The bit...she said she'd rather cut all her hair off. I did what I could Gem." Gemma glanced down at her niece and sighed. "Come on in. I'll get her changed and we'll eat breakfast before going." Taking the little girl's hand, Gemma guided her towards her bedroom. She was trying her best to contain her anger toward the girl's mother. Gemma and Susan had never really got along. She tolerated the woman so that Angel would be allowed over and because, at the time, Bobby was in love with her. Grabbing a bag from the floor, Gemma pulled out a new outfit she picked out for Angel - a white button up with a lace collar and sleeves and a red skirt with suspenders. Angel stroked the clothes gently and looked up at Gemma, "Are these for me Aunt Gemma?" Gemma's heart broke at the tears forming in the little girl's eyes. "Mommy doesn't get me new things anymore. She says I can wear what the twins don't want anymore."

"Well, that's going to change soon baby. Now let's get you ready so we can get you to school."

Angel skipped out of the room and over to Bobby, Gemma close behind her. "Daddy! Look what Aunt Gemma gots me!" Bobby smiled and mouthed a thank you to Gemma. Gemma only nodded and picked up her camera. "Alright, I want pics of the kids. This is a special day for our little girl! First day of school. How is Papa feeling?" Everyone laughed as Bobby shook his head. He pulled Angel onto his lap and squeezed her, pressing a noisy kiss on her cheek as Gemma snapped pictures. "I love you my angel," he whispered and pressed another kiss to her temple. Angel turned and cuddled into her father's arms, "I love you too Daddy! Is it time for school yet?" As he nodded, Gemma gathered the children and took more pictures.

As Gemma buckled the children into her truck, the guys mounted their bikes. This would be the first time all the SAMCRO kids would be in school and they wanted to give them a proper send-off before starting their run. On the way through town, many stopped to watch the procession of bikes surrounding the truck. Angel glanced out the windows in awe. There were people who waved at the passing bikers, unsure of who or what was in the truck. To Angel, it felt as if she was a princess being escorted through her kingdom. People showed respect to the men in leather. Once at school, the reactions were mixed. There were parents and children with smiles on their faces as the bikes parked, others were of fear and disgust. Bobby got to the truck first and unbuckled all the kids, helping them out to wait for their parents. Angel clutched Bobby's hand, fear starting to settle in. Bobby gave her hand a small squeeze and led her toward the school. Gemma & JT took Jax toward his new class, while Piney led Opie behind them. Angel realized that she would be alone in a class where she didn't know anybody. "Daddy, d-do I have to go?" her voice small as the building seemed to loom over her. Bobby stopped and knelt in front of her, smoothing her hair down and tapping her nose. "You'll be fine Angel. You'll see Jax and Opie when you go out to play. You're going to make lots of friends and learn lots of things. You already know a lot since the boys taught you. You'll do great today. And Gemma will pick you up after school."

Finally getting Angel settled into her class and telling the teacher about Gemma, Bobby made his way out the class and towards his bike. Finally out the door, he stopped and turned back, Angel hadn't followed him out like he feared. He looked through the door's window and saw his little angel sitting nicely at her desk as she talked animatedly to the other children around her. She smiled wide and threw her head back, showing off her missing teeth as she laughed at something said. Bobby stared and took in a deep breath. "It gets easier," JT laid a hand on Bobby's shoulder and looked into the window at Angel. "Yea, I guess. She's just growing fast man." Bobby sighed and shook his head, wiping his face. Any other member and he would have stayed strong and stoic, but with JT there was no need. Everyone knew what Angel meant to Bobby. This was his baby, who was growing fast and he was trying to be there for every milestone. He gave her one last glanced and caught her looking at him. He smiled at his daughter as she waved excitedly and blew a kiss his way. He caught her kiss and blew her one back. Giving her one last wave, he held his head up and walked to his bike. "You ok man?" someone asked. Bobby nodded and looked back at the school. His angel would be ok. She was growing up and he couldn't wait to see how her life would shape.

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