Chapter 3

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It was that time of year again. Jax and Opie were running around the Teller house, getting their school stuff together. Tomorrow was the first day of school again and the boys were ready to get back to their friends. The whole club was gathered at the Teller house for their weekly family dinner. Angel sat on the couch next to JT and sighed. Another year with the boys going to school, leaving her alone all day. "Aww, what's the matter, Angel? Gonna miss the boys tomorrow?" JT stroked her hair slowly. All Angel could do was sniffle and nod. "Why they have to go?" Her bottom lip trembled as she looked up at her uncle. JT sighed and pulled her onto his lap. "They have to go learn. Next year, you'll be going to school too. And you'll see them once they come home. Just think, you get to be with everyone else during the day. You can be our little helper!" Angel curled against his chest and nodded. She didn't understand why her friends had to leave her all day, but if she got to be with her daddy and uncles, how bad could it be?

The next day, Bobby got Angel ready for the day and they headed out to pick up breakfast for everyone before getting to the garage. "Daddy, we get donuts today?" She smiled wide as he buckled her into her car seat. Bobby laughed and shook his head, "No Angel. We're getting real food today." Giving him a pout, Angel folded her arms across her chest. "Aww, don't pout angel. We'll bake something yummy tonight ok? You gotta put on a smile, you'll be helping me and Gemma today." At Gemma's name, Angel perked up and wiggled in her seat. She loved being around her Aunt Gemma and Luanne, though Gemma was her favorite. When daddy wasn't looking, Aunt Gemma would sneak her a cookie in the office. After grabbing food for everyone, Bobby and Angel made their way to the garage. Gemma was there with Jax and Opie, snapping pictures of them in their new school gear. Once freed from her seat, Angel ran over to the boys and wrapped her arms around them. "Angel!" the boys exclaimed, hugging the young girl tightly. Gemma quickly took more pictures of them and smiled. "Our babies are so cute. Angel? Want to help me take the boys to school today?" Angel spun around and launched herself at Gemma's legs. "Yes! Yes! Pretty pwease!" Her excitement made Gemma and Bobby laugh. "You be good for Gemma then Angel. And thanks for taking her today Gem, have a lot to do to get the books updated." Gemma just waved him off as she herded the three children to her car.

Once at the school, Gemma unbuckled them all and they made their way towards the boys' new class. Angel held Jax and Opie's hands tightly, as Jax held onto his mother's. Angel's eyes widened as she saw their bright class filled with toys and books. "I get to come here later?" she squeaked out; Gemma giggled and nodded. "Next year baby girl. Now let's go meet their teacher and then it's a girls day for us." Angel sighed and nodded. She didn't want to leave her friends, she wanted to stay with them. Before leaving, Angel clung to Opie and sniffled. The boy wrapped his arms around her and lifted her slightly, giving her a small shake. "We'll be home soon Angel. Then we'll eat dinner and play games before bed ok? No crying while we're here." Angel looked up at him, her eyes watering as her lower lip trembled. Jax came over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "It's ok lil sis. You're gonna get all the cookies at home while we're here!" Angel sniffled again and wiped her eyes. "I dun want the cookies without you..." Jax and Opie frowned. Wrapping their arms around her, they gave her a bigger shake until she started giggling. Gemma smiled at the way the boys treated her. While others would have told her to stop being a baby and pushed her away, these two loved their surrogate baby sister and would do anything to make her smile again.

By the time the girls made it back to the garage, all the men were busy working. Angel had been quiet in the backseat. Every so often, Gemma would catch a small sniffle but Angel never said a peep. Unbuckling her seat, Gemma helped Angel out the car and they made their way to the office. Angel walked slowly, her eyes cast to the ground. She knew that Jax and Opie said they would be back but her little mind wondered if they would come back home tonight. "Gemma.." she squeezed her aunt's fingers and kicked the small rock in front of her, "are they coming home soon?" Gemma knelt down and smoothed back the hair from Angel's face. She hated to see the little girl so distraught. "The boys will be home soon. Once it's time for them to get out of school, you and I will go pick them up and we'll go home to get some food. They'll do their homework and then you three can play until it's time for you and Opie to go home ok?" Angel sniffled and nodded quickly, throwing her arms around Gemma's neck. Gemma hugged her tightly and picked her up, placing a small kiss on the side of her head. "Now, we have lots of work to do today and I need a helper to make sure all the guys are actually working. You up for that job?" Angel giggled and nodded quickly. Once in the office, Gemma handed Angel a small clipboard filled with paper and then a crayon. "Alright helper! Let's go see what those boys are doing!"

The Reaper's AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon