Chapter 20

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With David and Tara gone, Angel felt lost. Jax refused to do anything that wasn't required by the club. Opie and Donna were always off on their own. Bambi was shuffling between Charming and Bakersfield, depending on where Tig & Happy were, or shuttled off to Tacoma with Kozik. Bobby and the guys were on more runs that seemed to be longer than usual. When Precious was home, she was focused only on Tiki.

Angel did her best to keep out of everyone's way. Most of her time was spent writing letters to David or pouring all of her time into her schoolwork. Angel had been doing extremely well in school and had talked to Precious and Bobby about the possibility of taking night classes at the community college to help prepare her for college. With very little pleading, Bobby had agreed and they went to sign her up for classes.

The school year was stressful for Angel. Aside from her normal classes, she had the college course she signed up for, plus Bobby was able to get her the last spot in the baking class she had been clamoring on about. Angel tried to stop by the garage and club house every other day so she could say hello to everyone. It seemed like they were all too busy when she was there. Like every day of her life, the Sons were busy in their own world. Slowly Angel stopped dropping in. Instead, she found herself more often at CaraCara with Luanne or at Luanne's home.

Luanne enjoyed having Angel around. She had kept in contact with the club but still maintained her distance. She was there if they needed her, she went in if there was a lock down, and she helped if they needed but she always waited until they reached out. She refused to offer first. Angel couldn't blame her. No one had really gone to visit Otto or check in on Luanne aside from Angel, David, and Bambi. Luanne had made it known that Angel always had a space in her home. Angel had been at Luanne's so much that she had cleared out the guest room so Angel could leave stuff there. Luanne loved her niece spending time with her. She could see that Angel needed a place to get away from everything. She loved the Sons but Luanne knew that they would siphon every ounce of happiness and life out of the girl if she had nowhere else to turn.

Angel was exhausted but knew she had to go back home. She knew that Precious needed her help with the now toddler who was always attempting to run and grab everything in sight. Bobby had been around less than normal, some days not coming home to see them for a week. Angel and Precious were getting used to it but it still hurt. When Angel finally reached the door to the Munson residence, she could hear screaming and crying coming from inside. Angel threw the door open and ran inside. Bobby and Precious were in the middle of the living room, screaming about who knew what. On the floor was her baby brother, red faced and wailing as loud as possible. Without much thought, Angel readjusted her bag and stomped over to between her bickering father and stepmother and grabbed her little brother. "God fucking dammit, can't you two fucking lower your voices!" She screamed at them as she tried to console the toddler. "What the hell did you say to me?" Bobby stared at his daughter who was standing between him and Precious. Angel glared at him and rolled her eyes before walking away, still clutching the crying child. "HEY! I'm fucking talking to you little girl! Where the hell do you think you're going with my kid?"

Angel stopped and turned. "Your kid? You have a funny way of showing it. I'm taking him to my room, getting him changed and cleaned up. And since Ma should be leaving for work soon, I'm taking him to the park to get away from you!" Angel made her way to her room and closed the door, locking it behind her. She had never locked her door before, heck she didn't even know why there was a lock on her door but today she was glad for this. "Shhh Tiki monster. Big sis got you," she bounced the still crying child as she walked around the room, "I know Daddy was being a big ol' meany with his screaming. It's ok though, I won't let him yell at you. Shh, shh little Robbie. Let's get you out this house today."

She sat her brother on the bed and grabbed clean clothes from the basket she always kept in her room. Precious had always found it amusing that Angel kept a basket of necessities for the baby in her own room. Angel had shrugged it off as there were days and nights she didn't want to leave her room so it was better to have that stuff in there when she had him. She undressed the boy, changed his diaper, and redressed him quickly before going back and filling up his diaper bag. She hadn't heard their father's bike leave yet so Angel was trying to work quickly. Things had been tense in the Munson household and she had heard the two arguing before but never had they yelled that much and continued while the baby cried. Angel wiped the tears that began to spill. She had grabbed extra diapers and a set of clothes for the baby, as well as the stuffed puppy she had passed down to him. "Come on, time to get some fresh air," she pressed soft kisses to the boy's face to get him to smile. Tiki giggled and rested his head on her shoulder, one hand clutching her shirt as the other wiped at his own little face. Angel hoisted her backpack and the diaper bag onto the other shoulder and quietly opened her door. She could hear Precious and Bobby attempting to whisper to one another. Even then, Angel could hear the anger in their voice. Angel didn't want to talk to either of them at the moment and they were both blocking the front door. Neither had noticed her watching them and she quickly made her way out the back door, taking care to not let it slam.

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