I'm broken..but he's with me

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         Mia's P.O.V

Right now , I really don't see the reason for trying , or for talking , pfr for breathing , i'm just done. I just don't know but since Phill's party ..i'm so fucking scared that this guy will appear on my doorframe and then..then he will r..'shh...i'm here' Luke whispered into my ear. Until now i didn't realiest that i've cried into his arms. He was here for me every day and it really makes me happy to know that someone's here for me. I just hugged him really really tigh and whispered a 'thank you' to him. Luke was the only person with Ashley who knows about the party thing. I hope i'll forget it soon because the nightmares i have..they just so they just horribel. One morning i woke up sweating and breathing heavy ...it was the wicked night i ever had. To my luck Luke had sleept with me this night. I'm so thankful that he do something like that for me...i hope he do it because he really care and not just because he's pitty with me. The last days with him were at some times funny and i had a smile on my face , and one second after the other i liked him even more. I don't know but i think i've a little crush on him ...haha okay. 'Are you hungry?' he asked and brang me back to reallity. 'yeah..ehh a little bit' i half smiled to him. 'Want to eat pizza?' 'yeah sounds nice'. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and dialed the number.

'Hello...yeah ehr...i have one large peperoni pizza with more cheese on top....yeah....okay.....thanks....bye' he endet the call and turned around to see me. 'So when does the Pizza arrive' i asked and then i realiesd i was really hungry. My stomach grumbelt and you can hear i clear . Luke chuckeld 'erh...they said just some minutes' .

~after 10minutes~

After 10minutes our large Pizza arrived and i grabbed it off of his hands. Yum yum this smells fantastic! With the Pizza i went into my room and sat on my king size bed. After some minutes Luke came with two Limonades into my room and sat beside me. 'hey ..ehr..do you want to go to the cinema tomorrow evening..they play this new movie there?' he asked with a light smile on his face. 'Yeah sounds good to me' i said with a big smile. It was so cute that he cares for me so so so cute...okay yeah ehrr..jep.

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       Luke's P.O.V

She finally smiles. Ohh god her smile is so wonderful. We ate the Pizza and laughed about stupid things. My phone vibrate in my pocket. I grabbed it and hat 5 new messages ..wohoo i'm famous ( :D ) .Okay no i'm not i opend the first message.

From: Ashton

hey mate, saturday we want to go to the beach with some other lads. Wanna come too? :)

(yeah he knows aschton and micheal and calum they're good friends...but not famous)

To: Ashton

yeah..sounds fun ..can i bring someone with me?

I send it and opend the next.

From: Unknown

hey are ya coming to the beach ;)

amber xX

What who gives her my number?

Ugh..i hope Gab will come with me.

I didn't answer her so i opend the next three. They were only from my Mum she wants to know when i'm coming home..because i was the last days always with Gab from morning to night. The one night i sleept here with her because she don't want to be alone. I was so happy as she asked me to stay..so so happy! 'Wanna watch toy story?' Gab asked suddenly. I only nodded and she put the movie  into the dvd player. In the middle of the movie she layed with the half of her body on my chest. Woah she really light...she looks like she lost weight. Oh Gab pls don't starve yourself. because cause...i love you!

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wohooo a new chapter...hope y'all like it love ya so much <3

pls leave a comment or vote thankss <3


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