I missed you

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  Mia's P.O.V

'uh..h-hii' i said still emberassed. 'Hi Gabs' Luke chuckled 'nice moves'. 'Eh..yeah' i laughed. I turned to my closet and pulled some black leggins and my 'crazy mofos' shirt out. Then grabbed quickly undies so that Luke didn't see and went into the bathroom. I put my undies on and then my leggins and my shirt. I love this shirt so much aww... i pulled my hair back into a high ponytail and then went out into my room where i found Luke sitting on my bed. 'Nice shirt' he laughed. 'Hey that's my favourit shirt..so don't laugh ! ' i answered and glared at him..but in the end i laughed too. I hopped next to him on my bed and gave him a side hug. 'I missed you' i mumbled. 'Missed you too' he whispered and kissed my forehead. Then it was still but not awkward. 'Soo...is everything alright with you and Nash?' he asked. Uh...Nash. I still feel guilty because this stupid dream. I mean why dreamed i about me & Luke ? He's just my best friend and yeah..he means everything to me but he's just my best friend. Nash is my boyfriend not Luke so why dreamed i about Luke and me? Ugh.. 'Gabs?' Luke snipped a finger in front of my face and brang me back to reality. 'Eh..yeah all 's fine' i said with a small smile. 'Gab..i see when it's not alright what's wrong?' Ugh..why does he know me so well?

'Okay..it's i had this dream...' i spoke. While i told him the story about this dream..but not with his name , he sad there and didn't interrupted me. 'Oh Gab come here' he huged me and rubbed my back 'you don't have to feel guilty it was only a dream , wasn't it?!' 'Yeah..thank you Luke' i said and kissed him on the cheek. 'Want to bake cookies?' i asked after a while. He just nodded. We went down into the kitchen and looked for the incredients. I grabbed a bowl and we put the eggs , milk , chocolate , butter and flour into it. 'Hey Gabs' Luke said. I turned to him and he threw flour in my face. 'Luke' i shrieked and he laughed so hard that he grabbed on his stomach. I took a bit flour and smeared it all over his face. Yet it was my turn to laugh my ass of.

   - - - -after flour fight - - - -

The kitchen was a mess but the cookies were in the backoven. 'How 'bout we clean this up and then watch movies?' i asked Luke. 'Sure'

It took us 1hour to clean the whole mess up. 'I'll take a short shower ...is that fine with you?' i asked. I had the flour everywhere on my face , on my arms , in my hair just EVERYWHERE ! 'Yeah it's fine..eh but do you have any clothes for me?' he smiled. ' i'm sure you'll fit in the clothes of my brother' i said and went upstairs followed my Luke. I walked into the room of Zack and looked into his closet. I pulled out a pair of grey sweatpants and a white tank top. 'Here you go' i gave him the clothes and a towel. 'Thanks' he whispered and smiled. I showed him where he can take a shower and then went into my bathroom. I removed my clothes and threw them into the basket , I then hopped into the shower.

  - - - - after the short shower - -

Mhhmm..i'm feeling so clean. I dried myself up and put the towel around my body.

*driink* ughh...who would that be? I'm half naked ... i went downstairs to answer the door. I opend the door and there he stand with a big smile on his face. 'Georg' i shrieked. 'Mia' he chuckled and gave me a huge hug. After the hug i took a step back and let the two of them in. 'Hey Maddie' i smiled and gave her a small hug. She smiled back. 'So just took a shower what?!' Georg smirked. I slapped him lightly on his arm. 'Gabs?' Luke shouted from upstairs. 'Who was that?' the two asked. Luke came down only with sweatpants on. Ughh..his body is so ad-...no stop Mia you have a boyfriend! 'Eh..that's Luke' i stuttered. 'Is he your boyfriend?'

...Luke...boyfriend? No (sadly)

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so here's another chapter <3 I'M SO SORRY ...i know i've said i will write more and longer chapters but latley i hadn't got much time :( i'm so sorry i hope you continue to read troughout <3


and ohoo...Luke shirtless and Gabs/Mia only wrapped in a towel what do you think ...will Maddie and Georg think about them? ;) yeah yeah pls continue reading because i really love writing even when i haven't much time AND i write for you :*

PLEASE commenz or vote PLEASE ! <33



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