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       - - - - - - - Mia's P.O.V - - - - - - - - -

The door opend and Luke came in.

T: 'where were you Luke?' - Mrs. Miller asked.

L: 'I slept in sorry'

T: 'okay but next time i don't be so nice' - she said in a clear voice.

Luke came to the last row and sat beside me. He smiled into my direction and then placed his book on the tabel. So yet only Ash isn't here.

In the middle of the lesson Ash came quite in the room while Mrs. Miller stood with her back to us. So Ash came in without to be noticed. Lucky one.

      - - - - - - - - after school - - - - - - - - - -

A: 'so are ya coming with me shopping?' -  she asked.

M: ' yeah ' - i said and smiled to her

We walked to her car and then took our bags in the trunk. We hopped in and she started the engine.

After about half an hour we arrived at the mall. Hopefully we'll find something nice for her mom...and for us.

We went to the main entrance of the mall. It was huge.

M: 'so okay where first?'

A: 'what about first some Starbucks and then shopping?' - she said smiling.

I only nodded and we went to starbucks.

At starbucks i ordered a Mocha Cookie Crumble and Ash took the Caramel Ribbon Crunch frappuccino.

We waited until our order was finish and then went out to 'Forever 21'. How i love this store.

          - - - - - - - after shopping - - - - - - - -

When we finished our shopping trip we had dozen of shopping bags in our hands. We spend definitly too much money on clothes. Both of us had about 10 big bags.

We were at Forever21 , Victoria Secrets , Hollister , Abercrombie & Fitch , Chanel , Louis Vuitton and much more.

For her mum Ash bought a wonderful necklace. We went with our bags to her car and placed them all nicely in the trunk.

I hopped in the passenger seat and she started the engine. We drove about half an hour back to my hous.

M: 'see ya tomorrow' - i said and hugged her.

I unbucklet myself and hopped out of the car. Opend the trunk and grabbed my bags.

As i had all bags i went to my front door turned around and waved to her. She started the engine and drove away.

Ugh...this day was exhausting. I'm so tired and my feets hurt. I slipped out of my shoes and rushed upstairs to my room.I threw the bags on my bed and went to the brathroom were i took a long warm needed shower.

When i dried myself up i changed into my pink pj's and an black hoodie. I placed the bags on my floor grabbed my McBook and logged onto twitter.

I quickly typed :

@Mia_Perckins_ : exhausting day...and  no more money for the month :(

I logged out and went to skype. Uh..Luke is online.

Miaa : hey got some time ?

I waited some minutes and then he called me. I answered.

L: 'hey whats up?'

M: 'Nothing only want to speak'

L: 'kay how was shopping?'

M: ' actually good...but exhausting' - i said laughing.

He laughed with me. We spoke about an hour and then we decided to get some sleep. We said goodbye and then i logged out and closed my McBook. I placed it on my table and hopped into bed under my warm soft duvet.

      - - - - - - - - Luke's P.O.V - - - - - - - -

It was nice to skype with Gab. And her laugh ..just so...why is she Nash's girlfriend? I mean come on..he always flirt with Amber when Gab isn't there. Gab deservs someone better. Someone who really loves her and cares about her...someone like

         - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

so the next chapter :)

hope you'll like it , pls continue reading and CHECK OUT MY OTHER STORY !!!!!!!!!

Its called :

The beauty of your life ( One Direction fanfic)

Its only in the begin but yeah...pls check it out... :)



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