Ch: 18

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I went into the main room and took off my cloak for the first time durring this mission. It was late and I was sleepy yet my hour long nap just a few hours ago. I folded up my cloak and laid down on the couch, placing my now folded up cloak under my head like a pillow. I quickly fell asleep.


When I woke up, I was hot. I felt something over the top of me, a few blankets covered me. Who placed them on me? I asked myself. I pulled all but one of them off of me and went back to sleep.


This time, I awoke to someone's conversation.

"You come from a warm planet, Annie. A little too warm for my taste." I heard Padmé say. "Space is cold."

"You seem sad." Anakin's voice rings out.

"The Queen is...worried." Padmé tells him. "Her people are suffering...dying. She must convince the Senate to intervene, I'm not sure what will happen."

Padmé, worried? I thought to myself. Or afraid that the Senate won't help her?

"I made this for you. So you'd remember me. I carved it out of a japor snippet...It will bring you good fortune." Anakin tells Padmé. I turned over to my side to see him give Padmé a necklace, a wooden pendant.

That's so sweat. I thought as Padmé placed it around her neck.

"It's beautiful, but I don't need this to remember you by. Many things will change when we reach the capital, Ani. My caring for you will remain." Padmé tells Anakin.

"I care for you too. Only I..." Anakin trails off.

"You miss your mother." Padmé realizes. Anakin looks at her, not saying anything. Then Padmé hugs him. I don't want to disturb them, so I carefully turned back over and closed my eyes and tried to get back to sleep.


I stood near the exit of the ship, with my cloak on but the hoods not over my head. I watched as the ramp lowers to reveal our waiting party, Senator Palpatine of Naboo and the Supreme Chancellor, Valorum. Qui-Gon, Obi wan, Jar Jar, Anakin and I are the first to exit off the ramp. Qui-Gon, Obi wan, Jar Jar, Anakin and I all bow to the Senator and the Supreme Chancellor.

When the decoy Queen walks off the ramp, she stands next to me, probably as Padmé told her too.

"It is a great gift to see you alive, Your Majesty." Palpatine tells the decoy Queen. "With the communications breakdown, we've become very concerned. I'm anxious to hear your report on the situation. May I present Supreme Chancellor Valorum."

"Welcome, Your Highness." The Chancellor says to the decoy Queen. "It's an honor to finally meet you two in person."

"Thank you, Supreme Chancellor." The decoy says.

"I must relay to you how distressed everyone is over the currant situation. I've called for a special session of the Senate to hear your position." Valorum tells the decoy. "Are you joining your sister with this, Princess?" Valorum asks me.

"I am grateful for your concern, Chancellor." The decoy tells Valorum.

"No." I told the Chancellor. "Something else has popped up that we must tell the council about."

"Very well." The Chancellor tells me.

The senator starts to lead the Queen and her party to a platform with a taxi waiting there. Along with her party, Jar Jar and Anakin also follow the Queen over to the taxi, just leaving Qui-Gon, Obi wan, the Chancellor, and I to talk.

"What has popped up?" The Chancellor asks once the taxi had flown away.

"The council should know first." I told him. "As I don't want you to cause a panic in the Senate just yet."

"Very well." The Chancellor says and then walks away from us.

"Come on." Qui-Gon tells Obi wan and I. "No doubt the council already knows we're here. No sense in keeping them waiting."


Qui-Gon, Obi wan, and I all stood in the center of the room, in front of the council. "...He was trained in the Jedi arts. My only conclusion can be that it was a Sith Lord." Qui-Gon tells the council.

"Impossible! The Sith have been extinct for a millenium." Master Ki-Adi says.

"I do not believe the Sith could have returned without us knowing." Master Windu tells us.

"If I may." I spoke out. Everyone remains quiet, listening for what I haft to say. "Qui-Gon and I fought him just before we left the planet. I sensed darkness within him, and not just the kind that surrounds people who do bad things. I'm positive that it was the dark side that surrounded him."

"Then we must use our resources here to unravel this mystery and discover the identity of your attacker.... May the Force be with you." Master Windu tells us, signalling that this meeting is over.

Obi wan turns to leave but Qui-Gon still faces the council, I looked over to Qui-Gon, wondering what he's doing until the thought hit me. The boy. I thought. Is he going to tell them of the force sensitive from Tatooine?

"Master Qui-Gon, more to say, have you?" Master Yoda asks.

"With your permission, my Master. I have encountered a vergence in the Force." Qui-Gon tells them.

"A vergence, you say?" Master Yoda asks.

"Located around a person?" Master Windu asks.

"A boy...his cells have the highest concentration of midi-chlorians I have ever seen in a life form." Qui-Gon tells them. "It is possible he was conceived by the midi-chlorians."

"You're referring to the prophesy of the one who will bring balance to the believe it's this boy??" Master Windu asks.

"I don't presume...." Qui-Gon tells them.

"But you do!" Master Yoda tells him. "Revealed, your opinion is."

"I request the boy be tested, Master." Qui-Gon tells Yoda.

Before anything else is said, the council all look to one another before noding their heads. "Trained as a Jedi, you request for him?" Master Yoda asks.

"Finding him was the will of the Force.... I have no doubt of that." Qui-Gon tells them.

"Then bring him before us." Master Windu tells Qui-Gon. "And we'll see from there."

Qui-Gon bows before the council and leaves the room along with Obi wan. I followed them out of the room but I no longer followed them as I had somewhere else to be.

"Where are you off to?" I heard Obi wan ask me.

"Somewhere." I told him as I walked away from him. I could practically feel his eyes watching me until I rounded a corner and was out of his eyesight.

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