Ch: 25

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Shortly after we ran out of the hangers, I heard both a ship zooming off and felt Anakin's force signature fly up into the atmosphere. What has he gotten himself into? I asked myself as I followed my sister down the halls.

As we ran down the halls, we turned around a corner only to find battle droids blocking our way. We turned to go back but that was a mistake as when I looked around that corner, I saw some battle droids blocking our way.

"This isn't good." I told them. "I can't protect you from both sides."

"We don't have time for this, Captain." Padme tells Captain Panaka.

I watched as Captain Panaka then blasted a window to pieces with his blaster. "Go!" Captain Panaka tells Padme and I. Padme and I both climbed out the window, one right after the other. However, only Captain Panaka and about 6 soldiers followed us outside while the others fought off the droids. We where on the windows ledge, right above a waterfall. When I looked down, I wished I hadn't've as we are about 6 or so stories up.

"Ok, that's a long fall." I told them, after I had looked over the edge.

"There's a ledge over there." Padme points out right across from us, it's four stories above us. Great, I'll haft to force jump up to it as I don't exactly have a grappling hook. After all, what would a Padawan even have need of a grappling hook for? I asked myself.

Padme and the other seven people on this ledge all lined up and shot their grappling hooks at the other ledge. Once the hooks where shot, they all start to climb up the ropes on their grappling hooks. I backed up to the wall of the building and started to run towards the edge, I jumped off the edge, using the force to empower my jump. I ended up landing on the wall, grabbing the ledge with my finger tips. I steadied myself and pulled myself up. I really underestimated that jump, I could've landed on the edge if I had just given the jump a little more power. I told myself once I was standing on the ledge. A little before everyone was all up here, I used the force to smash through all of the windows on this ledge. We so need to go just a little bit more faster, call me impatient but we are running out of time.

Once everyone got up here, I went through the window, waiting on everyone to catch up. Padme leads us, with me standing right besides her as we hurried down the halls towards the throne room. As we came towards the throne room, I noticed two destroyer droids roll in front of the door to the throne room. I turned around and saw two more of the droids appear behind us. I had my hands hovering over my lightsabers but stopped, not knowing how much help I could be in this instance. When Padme through down her pistol, I made the robe I was wearing cover up my lightsabers. It looked like Padme had given up but I'm not sure.

"Throw down your weapons. They win this round." Padme commanded us. Everyone except me threw down there weapons, as I'm not parting with them unless I accidentally lose them or someone takes them from me forcefully. Knowing this, Padme slipped a blaster onto my belt, making sure it's the only thing visible. I wouldn't have known that she had done that had I not felt her movements through the force.

As six battle droids came up from behind the destroyers, the one that looked like they where in charge looked at me and says, "your weapon?"

Knowing that Padme slipped a blaster onto me, I grabbed it off my belt, careful to not show my lightsabers, and placed it on the ground, all while not using the force. We are then brought into the throne room by ten battle droids, I don't even think I can get us out of this if I even tried. The droids placed us in front of Nute and some other people that looked like part of some council.

"Your little insurrection is at an end, Your Highness. Time for you to sign the treaty... and end this pointless debate in the Senate." Nute tells Padme.

Down another hall, I noticed Padme's decoy run down the hall. She has several troops along with her and looked to be chased by some battle droids who are a bit further down the hallway.

"Viceroy, your occupation here has ended!" The Queen's decoy says in a commanding tone.

"After her! This one is a decoy!" Nute yells at all the droids in the room. A few of the droids then start to chase after Padme's decoy Queen.

Padme then quickly goes over to her throne and she instantly pressed a button on the throne. The button opens up a panel in her desk in which she grabs out two pistols, she then hands one to Captain Panaka and the other one to one of her officers. She then pulls out a third pistol and blasts the last of the battle droids.

"Jam the doors!" Captain Panaka commands of his officers. They rush to the doors control panel as Padme hits the switch to close the door, one of the officers jams the controls. Captain Panaka then threw some more pistols to Padme's other officers. Nute Viceroy was confused and I could feel that they where afraid as I light up one of my lightsabers. In what seemed like the blink of an eye, I was in front of the Viceroy with my lightsaber to his throat.

"Now, Viceroy, we will discuss a new treaty." Padme says as she comes closer to me and him. She holds him at blaster point and motions for me to stand aside. I un-ignite my lightsaber and placed it back onto my belt. As I came closer to where Padme was, I felt something through the force. It felt like a wall had slammed into me. I quickly reached out with the force but I couldn't feel Qui-gon's force signature anywhere.

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