Prologue: The start of it all

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Before this book starts l want to say that l was inspired by all the books about transmigration that l was reading recently. The lil girl is obviously related to the whole book so lets begin *wink*

******************************** Start of chapter ***********************************************

I stared at my phone at the middle of the night because there were many suspicious messages on there that honestly made me scared. Scared?! Jokes l was extremely creeped out but not scared. For starters how did this unknown person even know that my name was "Jane Renn"! This was too creepy for words. And another new incoming text came through

I know that you're alone in this world right now. Pshhh who is alone in this world!! You're alone. No, YOU'RE FAMILY IS ALONE!

Now now jane, just say yes and l can help you fill the boredom in the life.  But who says l am bored at all? Infact l love my lazy life right now and to be perfectly honest, l don't give a finger about anything except myself l hope you got that.

So that is a yes. Now - WHO SAID YES?!

Now let's see where you're going to go know. Since l am a nice person, l am not going to explain the rules and just let you figure it out. I'll explain the back story when you are in the world. WHO IS GOING  WITH YOU?!

Let's see world A or B? How about planet earth where l currently am!

So that is world A then. Have funnn and don't get killed otherwise you really will die. *wink* You little son of a -

You mean daughter of a, right? I am so not a boy. WHO CARES IF YOU'RE A GIRL OR BOY LEAVE ME ALONE. JUST YOU -

Downloading in 3...2..1. YOU LITTLE WITCH

I love you too tee hee 

3rd person P.O.V

Jane passed out and l downloaded her soul into world A. Trust me l did not want to do this either but its not like l had a choice. She was going to die if l hadn't reached out to her and l really did not want her to die to be honest because she is so interesting. *chuckle* Let's see what she does now.

Jane's P.O.V

That daughter of a witch!! Sending me away from my life. Well its not like l loved it that much anyway but still! I really enjoyed lounging in bed and doing nothing. Besides when l was knocked out it hurt like heck my god l almost died from the pain. Just you wait! After l finish what it is l am supposed to do in this world l am going to strangle her to death.

Certain little girl: *sneeze* Is someone talking about me?

While l was having my internal monologue, my blurry sight was clearing and l could now see where she was. l was on a stage standing infront of millions of students who were all clearly wearing uniforms that were a little too expensive l mean making uniform using freaking silk like who taught this person to be so wasteful. Anyway, all the students seemed to be looking at me as if waiting for something so l looked down and so a little speech that my former body seemed to have prepared. "I am so killing that witch when l get back". I was so furious because l hated talking to people on stages. So annoying!

I started speaking trying to make my voice mellow and breezy but fast so l could end this torture already and read the information about this world. I finished the disgusting speech. God it was so cliche l almost grabbed a gun and killed myself like who came up with this crap? What was this "I hope you can have an amazing time at school" shit. Who goes to school to have fun? Thank god that ended quickly and l went back to my seat.

As l sat down, the information of this world was currently being sent to me and this is the gist of it. 

Hellos readers,

This is not my first book but l just could not pass up starting a new one. I'll be better at updating so please keep reading. And if you have any ideas do not hesitate to tell because it may be added. Angel xxx


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