Question - #15

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Elle: -_Twilight_Sparkle_- asks who is your favorite author.

Annabeth: Well, it's - wait, no. It's - wait...

Percy: You don't just ask that.

Annabeth: Roald Dahl and Charles Dickens were great, but Shakespeare and Emily Dickinson were fabulous! I can't just choose one!

Percy and Elle: *quietly look at her*

Annabeth: Mark Twain? Stephen King? Edgar Allan Poe? Jane Austen, come on! J. R. R. Tolkein? Which one? Which one is my favorite?! *sinks to the floor and rocks back and forth*

Percy: *looks at Elle* You broke her.

Elle: Is it bad that the only works I really remember reading is Romeo and Juliet and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?

Percy: Hey, at least you've read it. I only watched the movies.


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