Dare - #94

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Annabeth: You were crying during the Brachiosaurus scene.

Athena: I was not! You will not accuse me of such a thing, Annabeth Chase.

Annabeth: You were sniffling, mother.

Athena: You must've been imagining it, dear.

Annabeth: *grins*

Athena: *rolls her eyes* Okay, fine. Maybe I shed a tear. But that's it!

Annabeth: Still cried.

Athena: Thank you for today though. I've been planning to watch Fallen Kingdom with H - I've been planning to watch it for a while now but spending time with my daughter? I wouldn't have it any other way.

Annabeth: *stares and raises an eyebrow at her*

Athena: *clears her throat*

Annabeth: Anyways, remember those weird things I've been doing?

Athena: Oh gods. Please don't tell me you're gonna do something -

Annabeth: No! I'm here to explain too. They were all dares.

Athena: *blinks* Dares?

Annabeth: Yes. These weird things -

Athena: Like adopting a baby all of a sudden.

Annabeth: *sighs* Yes. I swore on the River Styx to do those dares and I don't think it's gonna end anytime soon.

Athena: *closes her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose* Gods save me.

Annabeth: Hey, I'm not liking this either!

Athena: You squeezed lemons into the Queen of the Gods' eyes for a dare, Annabeth! As your mother, I am... mortified to say the least!


A/N: ShadowmasktheFirst dared Annabeth to do something nice for her mother and explain to her that all those ridiculous stuff she's been doing are dares.

Ask or Dare Annabeth ChaseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang