Dare - #34

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Elle: xXxBloodLusterxXx dares you to cuss at mom.

Annabeth: Oh shit.

Elle: Yikes. *tries to cover up her smile*

Annabeth: You're enjoying this!

Elle: Guilty. *gives her an unapologetic look*

*later in Olympus*

Athena: *busy drinking a soda and sketching new floor plans on Olympus*

Annabeth: *sits down on the seat next to her* Hey there, mom!

Athena: If this is about my favorite animal, for the last time Annabeth, it's the owl, not the spider.

Annabeth: Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was the fucking spider.

Athena: *slowly blinks and looks at her* Pardon?

Annabeth: *crosses her arms* Something on my face?

Athena: *rolls her eyes and mutters* Rude much?

Annabeth: What the fuck? I'm not rude! You are.

Athena: *rubs her temples and groans exasperatedly* Annabeth, please get out.

Annabeth: Why the fuck would I do that?

Athena: Get out. Now.

Annabeth: Mom-

Athena: *glares at her*

Annabeth: *stands up* Okay! You don't have to be a bitch about i -

Athena: *snaps her fingers*

Annabeth: *appears back in Camp Half-Blood*

Athena: *sighs and changes the soda to coffee* Great, now I have one hell of a headache.


Ask or Dare Annabeth ChaseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon