Dare - #74

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Elle: 360NoScoperr dares you to show the gods about the game God of War and see their reactions.

Annabeth: Oh! My half-sibling Bobby used to play that.

Elle: *raises her eyebrows* Isn't he a bit too young to play that?

Annabeth: *eyes widen* Oh.


Artemis, Hera, Zeus, and Apollo: *eating Hestia's carrot cake in the kitchen*

Annabeth: *slowly walks inside*

Hera: *groans and mutters under her breath* What is she doing here?

Apollo: Annabeth! What brings you here?

Annabeth: Oh, I have something very important to discuss-

Hermes and Athena: *walk into the room*

Hermes: It was a good joke, admit it.

Athena: *tucks her iPad under her arm and rolls her eyes* The first couple of times I heard it, yes.

Hermes: I've told it before?

Athena: I don't know, about six ti - Annabeth?

Annabeth: Mom, hi.

Athena: What brings you here?

Annabeth: Can I borrow that? *points to her iPad*

Athena: Uhm, sure. *hands it to her*

Annabeth: *starts searching God of War*

Athena: *leans over to look* If you're planning to show that to the others, I suggest you forfeit that foolish decision.

Artemis: Show us what?

Annabeth: *shows them the screen*

Hermes: *grins* I've heard about that game!

Apollo: Am I in it?

Annabeth: I think so, yeah.

Apollo: *summons his phone, searches himself up, and frowns* That does not look anything like me! They did my gorgeous hair so dirty!

Artemis: *looks at his screen and bursts into laughter*

Apollo: *searches Artemis up and tries to suppress a laugh* Who's laughing now?

Artemis: *looks horrified* What in the actual Hades?!

Hermes: *chuckles* You should've seen Father. He looks like a possessed, evil Santa Claus.

Zeus: *glowers* Excuse me?

Athena: *covers her laugh with a cough*

Hera: I am not familiar with this game.

Annabeth: *swipes through the website* So, basically, God of War is a video game about -

Ares: *walks into the room* Are you guys talking about me?

Athena: Don't flatter yourself.

Apollo: *gestures to the iPad in Annabeth's hand* No, we're talking about the video game kind of God of W -

Ares: We do not speak of that game ever again, do you hear me? *growls and marches over to Annabeth*

Annabeth: *eyes widen*

Athena: Wait, no -

Ares: *grabs the iPad and tosses it out the window*

Artemis: *smacks his arm* Come on! I just beat Athena's Flappy Bird high score on that iPad!

Hera: Ares! We do not throw things in the household!

Zeus: *blinks* Didn't you throw Hepha -

Hera: Not the time!

Athena: *closes her eyes and lets out a frustrated sigh*


Ask or Dare Annabeth ChaseWhere stories live. Discover now