Dare - 97

700 17 29

Elle: Next dare. jakeblack25 dares you to blackmail the gods into turning you and Percy into gods.

Annabeth: I think this is the day when they finally smite us.

Percy: Hey, I've been good. You and your dares however? Yikes.

Elle: *turns phone on and reads new message* Wait. QueenBlueMidnight626 dares you to let Percy do the next dare.

Percy: This is gonna be fun!

Annabeth: This is gonna be terrible.


Athena, Hermes, Apollo, and Artemis: *chatting together*

Zeus and Hera: *bickering close to them*

Ares: *lazing on his throne*

Percy and Annabeth: *walk inside*

Apollo: Oh hey, it's the lovebirds.

Hermes: Wonder what kinda trouble they're gonna get into this time.

Annabeth: *clears throat* Guys, Percy here has something to say.

Athena: I swear to the Fates, if you say something like getting pregnant or something -

Annabeth: MOM!

Athena: Oh, quit your whining!

Percy: Um... I want you guys to turn Annabeth and me into gods.

Gods: *glance at each other with raised eyebrows*

Zeus: And what if we don't?

Percy: Well then. I'll... uh... I'll tell Hera about the thing!

Hera: What thing?

Zeus: *looks at him nervously* What thing?

Percy: You know... The thing. I caught you there. I saw it with my own two eyes. Don't play dumb!

Hera: What thing?!

Zeus: Uh... nothing, dear. *looks at Percy again*

Percy: Fine, then. Lady Hera, I caught Lord Zeus -

Zeus: Okay, okay, we'll turn you into gods!

Ares: *snorts* Father, there is no way -

Annabeth: You know, I have footage of you panicking over Pennywise. Do you want me to send that to everyone here?

Hermes: Yes! Do it, Annabeth.

Artemis: *grins* Absolutely.

Ares: *gulps* You know what? I'm totally fine with you two being gods.

Hera: Now hold on a minute -

Zeus: *turns Annabeth and Percy into gods* There! Are you happy now?

Percy and Annabeth: *glance at each other and nod*

Zeus: Come along, dear. *pulls Hera away from the throne room*


Hermes: *starts laughing and looks at Percy* Percy, that was pure gold!

Percy: Thanks!

Annabeth: What was the thing?

Percy: I made it up on the spot. *smirks*

Apollo: *laughs and gives Percy the thumbs up* Welcome to godhood, you two!

Athena: And don't forget to send the video of Ares!


Ask or Dare Annabeth ChaseWhere stories live. Discover now