Question - #101

642 16 10

Elle: *steps into Athena's study* Annabeth! There you are!

Annabeth: *looking at her sketches*

Elle: PurpleSweetBois wants to ask you a very important question.

Annabeth: I'm kind of busy right now with my designs but sure. What is it?

Elle: Yes or no?

Annabeth: *looks at her* Huh?

Elle: That's the question. Yes or no?

Annabeth: That's tough. Well, if I choose yes, and if I choose yes all the time, it'll get me into unwanted trouble a lot, don't you think?

Elle: *gives her a confused look* I guess so.

Annabeth: But if I choose no, I might miss a lot of chances that could have benefited me, yes?

Elle: *sighs* You always overcomplicate things.

Annabeth: Zip it.

Athena: *walks into the room* Annabeth, how are the designs coming alo -

Annabeth: Mom, yes or no?

Athena: What?

Annabeth: What do you think is a better choice? Yes or no?

Athena: *gives Elle a look*

Elle: *shrugs* Don't ask me. I'll just say she's gone cuckoo.

Athena: Don't you think you have more important matters to tend to other than some silly question?

Annabeth: Can you please just choose one so I can finish my sketches? It'll just keep bugging me until I get an answer.

Elle: You're seriously calling a friend for a stupid question.

Annabeth: *glares at her*

Athena: *pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs*

Annabeth: Mom? Come on.

Athena: Hush.

Annabeth: What do you think? Yes or no? Yes or -

Athena: For the love of Uncle Hades! Just choose or! Unbelievable! *walks out, massaging her temples*

Elle: *grins at Annabeth*

Annabeth: *scowls* What's with that look?

Elle: Oh, nothing. Can't I just be happy I'm not the one pissing mom off for once?


Ask or Dare Annabeth ChaseWhere stories live. Discover now