Dare - #103

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Elle: Abbyh2007 dares you to have a charm that turns you into a human centipede. Also, whenever someone says a curse word, run away screaming and come back as the human centipede.

Annabeth: *groans* Not again with the centipede stuff.

Elle: *grins and rubs her hands together* I am going to love this!

Annabeth: So, are you gonna help me turn into a human centipede every time?

Elle: Oh, no. I'm not that good with magic stuff yet. Plus, I'm lazy. I'll ask Hecate.


Annabeth: *slowly walks into Olympus, muttering to herself* Why did I have to get summoned for another redesigning today...

Elle: *rushes towards her and hands her an amulet* Here you go! Had to pay extra drachmas to Hecate for a rush order but you're welcome.

Annabeth: *sighs* Just what I needed.

Elle: *leads Annabeth into Olympus' mini conference lounge* Well, see ya! I have a concert to go to.

Athena, Ares, and Aphrodite: *arguing*

Ares: I said I wanted huge, wicked swords in my statues. This isn't huge or wicked! How hard is that to do, Athena?

Athena: Why don't I shove a huge, wicked sword up your —

Annabeth: *clears her throat*

Athena: *lets out a sigh of relief* There you are!

Zeus: Since our architect is here, I suppose we should begin discussing certain concerns. Are we still waiting for someone?

Apollo: Sorry I'm late — oh, shit! *rushes inside and trips on his shoelaces*

Annabeth: *runs out of the room screaming*

Hermes: *grins at Apollo* Wouldn't be the first time a girl ran away from you. How's your ego doing?

Athena: *scowls* What in Uncle Hades' name did you do to her?

Hades: I'm right here!

Apollo: First of all, ouch? Not cool, dude! Second of all, I didn't do anything —

Annabeth: *turns into a human centipede and runs back inside*

Gods: *start panicking*

Apollo: *lets out the most blood-curling scream*

Demeter: *faints*

Hestia: *hurriedly drags her out of the room*

Aphrodite: *shrieks and jumps into Ares' arms*

Ares: *yells in fear and jumps on top of the table*

Zeus: *jumps into Hera's arms*


Hades: I DON'T KNOW! IT SURE AS HELL ISN'T FROM MY REALM! *looks around for a weapon before grabbing a meter stick*

Hermes: *snaps a picture and quickly lifts himself into the air with his winged shoes*

Athena: I-I don't know if I should be curious by this or —  disturbed. Yeah, completely disturbed! *covers her mouth before poking her head out of a window and throwing up*

Artemis: *walks into the room, whistling and twirling her bow before seeing the commotion*

Apollo: Artie! You gotta get me out of here! *hides behind her*

Artemis: *stares at Annabeth*

Annabeth: *glances at her bow before gulping and backing away*

Artemis: I haven't seen a monster like this before. Permission to hunt it, father?

Zeus: Yes! For the love of gods, do it!


Annabeth: *runs away*

Artemis: *starts chasing after her*


Ask or Dare Annabeth ChaseWhere stories live. Discover now