Dare - #87

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Admin: griffindorforlifeq dares you to sneak into the Ares cabin and put long-lasting-makeup-that-can-only-be-wiped-off-with-a-makeup-wipe makeup on Clarisse, and hide all of the makeup wipes. Oh, also convince the Aphrodite cabin to not help until Clarisse admits that she sleeps with a stuffed unicorn.

Annabeth: *processing the dare in her mind* Wow, that must have been a mouthful to say.

Elle: It was. *grimaces*

Annabeth: Wait, did you say Clarisse sleeps with a stuffed unicorn?

Elle: *nods* The bigger question is: Do you even know how to do makeup?


Clarisse: WHO DID THIS?!

Ares campers: *jolt awake*

Sherman: *yawns* Who did w - HOLY HERA!

Clarisse: *turns around with a face full of horribly applied makeup*

Sherman: Are... are you alright?

Clarisse: *pulls out a dagger and walks out of the cabin* I will be once I know who did this.

Percy: *jumps as he passes by and sees her* Hey... Clarisse. You, uh... okay there? You look...

Clarisse: Not a word, Prissy!

Travis, Connor, and Elle: *chatting by the volleyball court*

Connor: *spots Clarisse and starts chuckling*

Travis and Elle: *looks in the direction and tries to stifle their laughs*

Clarisse: *spots them and starts running towards them* I should have known. Stoll brothers!

Travis: Why us?!

Elle: I'd be more surprised if people don't pinpoint you both over these kinds of things.

Travis: *grabs Connor and starts running away*

Annabeth: *sneaks into the Aphrodite cabin* I need your help.

Lacy: With what?

Annabeth: I put some magic makeup on her, those that can only be wiped with makeup wipes. I hid the makeup wipes.

Drew: WHAT?!

Annabeth: No, hear me out. It's just for the meantime. Just help Clarisse wipe the makeup off... unless...

Drew: *crosses her arms* Unless what?

Annabeth: Unless I get her to admit that she sleeps with a stuffed unicorn.

Aphrodite campers: *burst out laughing*

Piper: Wait, wait, wait. Is that really true?

Annabeth: Yes! Rainbow-colored too.


Aphrodite campers: *glance at each other*

Piper: Alright, we'll help you take it off under one condition.

Clarisse: *sighs* What is it?

Drew: *smirks* Admit you have a stuffed unicorn.

Clarisse: *turns red* Wha- who- I don't know what you're talking about.

Piper: That was not convincing in the least.

Clarisse: I don't!

Drew: *brings out her stuffed unicorn* Then who's Miss Spiffles?

Clarisse: *lunges at Drew*

Drew: *shrieks*

Drew and Piper: *scramble off*

Drew: Annabeth! A little help!


Ask or Dare Annabeth ChaseWhere stories live. Discover now