Chapter 2 : Asking for Trouble (Part 2)

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  Chapter 2 Part 2

My room was looking like the  roman army just invaded it. Seriously it was so messy, if mom would find out it like this,  I was a dead meat. No that meats were alive anyways.

I decided to clean it after I returned from the library. It was already two fifty and Dylan was coming at three. I checked myself in mirror and looked fine. It was not like I was going on a date. My hair needed combing though so I just did that for Dyaln's sake or else he would not recognize me. My hair were not frizzy at all, they were straight but when I didn't comb them they looked scary.

A knock on my window made me snap out of my thoughts. Someone was banging it so loudly that I had to make a run for it. Pulling away the curtains I scowled when I saw Dale murdering my poor window. I opened it and he jumped inside the room.

 ''This house has a door Dale and it is for use.''

''Yeah right, says the girl who never uses door to enter the house next to hers.'' He shot back sarcastically.

''Whatever, why are you showing me your pretty face anyways?'' I asked and he beamed at me.

''So you finally admit that I am pretty.'' He asked wiggling his brows suggestively.

''Spit out or get out.'' I shoved him making him stumble.

''Whoa there lady, hold your self a bit.'' His gaze swept across my room.

''Holy shit, what happened here?''

''Voldemort attacked me and the spell rebounded.'' I replied doing my best to keep a straight face. Dale was not impressed. Why did everyone hated my Potter jokes. I guess they were pretty lame.

''You can be so weird at times Caterpillar.'' He muttered and my defense shot up.

''Get out now!'' I asked him to leave sternly but he just sat on my couch like he was on a holiday.

''Make me.''

''I don't have time to waste, I need to leave at three. Dylan will be coming at any time.''

''Dylan? That noodle curls kid.'' Eh? Noodles hair kid? He was out of his mind for sure.

''Dylan is same age as yours.'' I pointed out but he shrugged carelessly.

''So you guys going on a date or something?'' He stood up and started at me with a creepy look.

''No, just library.'' I answered him and grabbed my bag as  I heard the honk.

''Ooh! Now don't lie to me caterpillar, you guys getting it on.'' Dale grinned at me and I nearly gagged.

''Lay off Cattermole.''

''Make me Caterpillar.'' He stepped too close and our bodies were almost touching but I refused to go back as we continued our staring match. He was not giving up and my eyes were watering. Then out of blue I jammed his feet with my low heels. Dale cried out in pain and I ran  to the door.

''You will pay for it caterpillar!'' He said giving me a death glare.

''Make me Cattermole.'' I gave him a wink and left him groaning in pain.


Dylan insisted me to have an ice cream treat with him after we came out of the library. After listening to his countless pleadings I finally showed some kindness. See, that was a difference between me and Carmen. I always got influenced by people easily. So persuading me was a easy job though persuading nowadays was more like an emotional blackmail.

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