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"If you can fight them from farther away, then do it

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"If you can fight them from farther away, then do it." I called out, the one dead shambling towards Autumn who stood paralyzed with fear clutching her knife. The crowbar swinging in her belt, yet to be taken out again.

Squealing she stabbed at its shoulder, moving to take a bite out of her arm Amelia finished off the dead, with an arrow through the skull.

Mason sighing behind me had me turning, watching the boy shake his head and look back at the ground where we had been resting for some time, trying to get Autumn in some training on the go.

"Autumn," I sighed my own sigh. "The head. We've been over this, only the head will finish them, you know that." I shook my head as she curled into herself, wrapping her arms around herself as her close-cropped dark hair hung around her face.

"Let's get a move on." Everyone picked back up their discarded bags, Javier who never took his off started off in the front.

"Jav, hold up." I nodded for the twins to lead, the others following behind them as Javier and I stood in the clearing everyone was just in.

His eyes barely lifted off the ground as we stood there.

"You can't keep doing this." I started, pausing as his unique eyes to briefly meet my own. "Stop blaming them, we would have wanted someone to take us in, right?" I paused waited for a response. "Right?" I stressed.

"Yeah, I guess." He mumbled.

"Then get your head out of your ass and focus on living, we can still be okay." Clapping my hand on his shoulder we started off to follow the others.

Which is when the gunfire resounded through the woods.

Not pausing to look back at Javier, I sprinted through the woods. Crashing into leaves and low hanging branches scraping my arms and face as I ran through towards a single scream.

Breaking through the last of the trees we were running through to the side of another highway. And the dead, they were everywhere.

Autumn was shrunk into a ball on the side of the road. Screaming, hands covering her ears. Jasper standing shell-shocked next to her. Red on the ground was shaking her, trying to get her to snap out of it.

Amelia, the twins, and Vivian were all firing at the dead who walked close to them. Mason hanging close to Red, shooting any of the dead that managed to get through the cracks.

Autumn shoved Red, having her land on her back gasping for air hands on her stomach. Shouting was yelled out as Mason struggled to help Red up, running towards them they were cut off by the dead.

Holding the knife in my hand, bat in the other I lung for the head, trying to shove my way through, looking back slightly. Javier had disappeared from behind me. Javier had grabbed Red, he opened a car door only for the alarm to go off.

His cursing could be heard as he helped Red to a car a few feet away. "Get under the cars!" He yelled, helping Red under it, the dead not seeing them yet.

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