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            My back was nearly healed. The guns being buried outside the fence was comforting for me to know were there. Harry and I haven't told Amelia just for the fact that we were never alone.

I sat at the kitchen table having breakfast as always at the damn table, the eggs were subpar as I ate without really realizing I was eating as I watched John. Its been about a month since I woke up after passing out. The first week that we were here was fine as we got the fatigues.

These past few weeks have been odd. Laura had been acting flighty after we had developed a schedule. Harry and I would go out and hunt, John would come as well except he would go in another direction. Amelia and Laura would watch Mason and she would soak up as much information as possible. And when they would go into the greenhouse, Mason would take a nap.

Its been our routine for three weeks now. John would return after Harry and I got home, sometimes with a catch other time without. Which was odd because Harry and I usually have something, even on our slow days.

The snow was getting higher, which wasn't good because we knew that soon we wouldn't be able to go out at all.

Mason had changed as well. He had been a quiet kid since this all started, but he was quieter than usual. Shying away from John as he shied towards Amelia, Harry, or I. It was just odd. Regardless of the fact that he was a quiet kid, he always took well to strangers when we took them into the group. And whenever Laura or John so much as glanced at him, he was grasping my hand and holding on for dear life.

Something was happening when Harry and I weren't here, Amelia obviously wouldn't stand for something going on like that, so she had to be gone as well. I planned on getting to the end of what was happening and why Mason was acting so out of character.

I was grinding my teeth together as I watched John lewdly glower at Mason. I didn't like it at all, I kept my eyes on John as Mason was practically in my side, hiding.

Something was definitely happening, and I was going to get to the bottom of this.

We left before John did today. Harry was in a good mood as he swung his machete, his gun positioned on his hip. As he went to go further into the woods, I stopped him.

"We're going to follow John today," He raised a brow before coming to my side, crouching in the foliage as we watched the door for John to leave.

"You've seen it too?"

"Of course. Masons practically glued to my side, something is happening and I'm going to figure it out." I wasn't happy that we were going to be spending a day of hunting wasted on figuring out what's going on with John, but my stomach was telling me this was the right thing to do.

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