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Two more nights passed

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Two more nights passed.

Two more tents full of people; dead, gone, deceased.

The first one we didn't realize what had happened until it happened. The night before I had brought Red back to our tent where we all immediately went into the tent and laid down for the night. Everyone was confused, except for Amelia. She saw the look in Reds eyes and immediately began helping usher everyone in.

We couldn't do anything wrong if we stayed to ourselves, my stomach rolled though as soft snores filled the tent. Jav and Vivian were wrapped in each other's arms as Wolf and Caspian were talking softly, Amelia laying in between them looking up at the roof of the tent. Jasper and Mason had fallen asleep together between the dogs while they played.

Red finally fallen asleep after silently crying into my shirt.

I didn't get any sleep that night. It was evident when everyone woke up and Reds eyes filled with concern as she gently ran her fingers over the dark circles under my own eyes.

I couldn't sleep, my mind was brewing with ideas on how to get us out of there as quickly as possible.

That next day, I wandered off as Red and the girls were putting something together for us to eat as the boys kept the kids and canines busy. I walked though, I walked until I reached the trailer parks.

I didn't hear the yelling until I almost rounded the corner of one of the tents. Ducking down, I listened as a woman screamed.

"You can't do this! My baby needs the medicine," Her voice cut off into choked sobs as my chest tightened. That could be Red in a few months.

"I know you can hear me!" Her voice bounded from the tin homes as she banged on the door before shrieking.

Metal stairs were creaking as she left the person she was bothering, a sudden gasp resounded as a creaky door was wrenched open before a slap echoed again.

"You're going to regret that, run along little lady." Her sobs doubled as her feet began to shuffle in the dirt. What got me was it was his voice, Malaki.

As I went to stand, to see what this woman looked like, another creaky door opened. Looking in the other direction, I could see the doctors smaller RV positioned to where it was able to see me hiding behind the grey tent.

Sara stood at the entrance, her eyes flitting to the left, where the commotion had happened as she tensed, shaking her head slightly before she left the RV and went the other direction, never casting another look back in my direction.

The two had stopped talking, but a flash of blonde hair that was tied up caught my attention as the figure was hunched over. Moving behind the tents, I followed the woman home. Stopping behind a smaller orange tent, she approached a florescent pink tent where a crying baby laid in a cot as an older ran gently ran his fingers over the baby's overly extended stomach as another child sat on the ground playing in the dirt, as two older boys ran around the tent with sticks.

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