Fleshling Vampire Cries and Gypsies are Stupid Fly

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7:30 a.m.

I feel Don begin to move. I grab onto his shirt tighter. "Just five more minutes, you're warm" I croak. "You need to get ready for class" he pushes my hand. I slip my leg between his and grab onto his shirt again. "No" groan. He moves his hand up my leg and towards my behind giving it a light tap. "Come on" he persuades. I let him go and he gets up leaving me cold and agitated. I see baggy jeans and all black t-shirt. I slip on the jeans rolling them a little and placing the baggy shirt on. I walk downstairs and see Don lacing up his shoes. I see a pair sitting next to him. I grab them and sit next to him slipping on the shoes. These a not exactly my size but they sure aren't his size twelves.

We walk to class- I mean, I walk to class. No one sees Don walking beside me. I make it to the door of my class and look back. "I'll come get you at after" he informs. I nod and walk into my final.....which I didn't really study for. Slipping through the rows and taking a seat with at a packet of what looks to be three pages on my desk. I flip it over and get to work.

After one page of multiple choice, four short answers, and one essay, I was finally done. Walked out of the classroom too see Dante outside smoking. As I got closer and received a better view of his face. A fresh purple bruise took home on his left cheek. "What happened?" I blurt out. He says nothing, just puts his arm around my waist and forces me to walk. "What's goin-"

"Shut up, were being watched" he interrupts. He walks faster than my legs can go so I run to keep up with his long strides. He brings me to a building all too familiar. Lilah opens the door instantly. Don pushes her out of the way with his arm. "Kyra?! I'm so happy to see you-" she starts. "Your not gonna see her for long, go get your stuff , now" he bellows. In a rapid fashion I walk to the back, throwing open and slamming closed drawers, fishing clothes from my closet into my bag. Shoes, makeup, the whole pantie draw, everything. I raided my room going from one spot to another. I do a sweep everything making sure I didn't forget anything important, but with my brain going top speed in a blender of stress I wouldn't even know. Scrabbling back with a workout duffle bag and my backpack.

Lilah grabs onto my arm pleadingly. "Kyra, please don't leave, I'm sorry, I'll leave" she pleads. Her blue eyes bloodshot red and pale skin. I look at her with such a glare it could have burned a hole in her head, one could only dream. "No, We didn't come here for that" Don drags me out of the door. I smell smoke and another man appears in front of me. I gasp and Don pushes my head down. He pushes me to the side and I land on the floor on my chest. I turn over and look at Don and another man fighting. It's silent, you hear a short breath from someone's nose every now and then, but besides that, it's silent. That's not odd.

Don slams the other into the wall but he freezes. "Don?!" I hear. "Jay" he says. They let go of each other letting out a breath of astonishment. "You son of bitch, where the fuck you been man?" he asks. It's the man from my drawing. "I got into something..." he trails off looking at me. Jay looks at me and I stare in awe at them. They know each other. "Shit man, what you do?" he asks, his eyes never casting away. His green eyes scan my body and stop at my stomach. During the confrontation, Don's shirt lifted and my belly button piercing shines in the light. I pull down the shirt from his prying green eyes.

"Told you, go into something" he replies. "How come she can see us, she smells human and....like you" he smirks. Don turns to look at him, Jays smile drops. "That's how I got into something, she sees the shadow world" he explains. Jays eyebrows shoot up. "Strange" he mutters. Don grunt's in response. I drag myself off the floor and dust myself off fixing my clothing in the process. "Are you done?" I sass. Jay's eyebrows define gravity and go even higher as he turns toward Don who stares at me. "Oh, I like her" he smiles again. I narrow my eyes at Jay and he lightly chuckles. "She's cute"

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