It Was Never About Me

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I cough up blood and crawl on my elbows and forearm reaching for nothingness. I can't see out of my right eye as it's swollen and tender to the touch. My chest exposed and drenched in the blood that oozes out of the long streaks of open flesh. The fiery feeling in my lungs never ceases as it courses through to my nostrils and throat. A throat coated in blood. I stop while the streak of blood as it covers my eyes and follows it to the source on my forehead. My legs drag behind me limply as I grunt out using the last bit of strength in me. The ringing in my ears deafens and numbs me. It's for the best. I don't have to hear the screams. I roll on my back and stare at the sky. A background of blacks and blues sprinkled with stars. I heave up more blood in a tiring cough. It's beautiful. Watching the sky before I drown in a pool of my own blood. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. I knew it. A tear. A tear is shed for those whom I loved. Loved because they're probably all gonna die. All because of him.

*2 Days earlier*

"They're persecuting all half-bloods because of you miss"

I stare at the face of the pale phantom I saved from the insides of an eater demon.

"Killing them? Because of her? I don't understand" Zelenia's voice of confusion falls deaf to me.

"He says that they're the ultimate evil because they hold to much power. He says he's trying to keep the peace, to not tip the balance of things. You are one of the most powerful so if you die then there will be a tremendous effect, but until he can find you, he has to kill other half-bloods"

"Who?" Don's passive aggressiveness showing.

"Cain sir. The Outcaster man damned to hell for murdering Abel"

Silence fills the room and I dive back into reality. Grandmother told me about him.

"Wait, but your grandmother said Micheal was his brother"

"You know of the angel? The one he's looking for?" the boy's eagerness didn't go unnoticed as he began to float with excitement. 

James McHarris. 

The boy who I saved from the demon that was in the vile. He's a ghost who died in Ireland, 1884. He's a scrawny wide-eyed and seemingly innocent boy. But still, there was something that didn't feel right in my soul as I sat there and stared at him. He looked innocent but it's like there was a ring of black magic around him.

"We know of him, but we don't know him" Leo responds.

"Well since your indebted to her-"

"He's not indebted to me, I release you" I speak getting up and walking out. I enter into Jay's room and sit on the bed. Heavy footsteps aren't far behind me but ignore them. There's a dip on the bed next to me and silence follows. Like when you swim, but the only one in the pool, all the way at the bottom lying on your back staring at the shifting lights above.

"People are dying because of me"

"It's not because of-"

"Yes, it is! He's killing people because he can't get to me!"

Maybe, if I disappear then he'll stop. If I...


That's it. I have to.

"Kyra look at me"

I can't have blood on my hands.

Those people. They're screams.


I have to do it.

My face is snatched to the right and I stare at him. His eyes look over my face and wipe the tear that falls from my eye.

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