Chapter 1

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It had been a year since I saw Zak i was living with Dave now my new Fiance I still had the ring Zak gave me. had there numbers still in my phone, still had the photos we took together. I thought about calling them or making some contact but....something held me back I must admit i missed them but did i miss Zak after him leaving me for no reason also no explanation why.

Yes i suppose i do miss him and i always will but it was fate that stopped us being together?...I am happily engaged now and i hope Zak is enjoying his life to....I was going to be attending this event in November called Paracon UK it had guests coming along such as John Zaffis and also Aarons Sister Amy Goodwin there was also much more who was going but still a few was yet to be confirmed.

I also had a few new things which i was doing also...which kept my mind occupied I was a host on my radio show, i still spoke about Ghost Adventures alot....also i was still a fan and always will be, Dave was at work so i decided i would sort out some of the junk in my bedroom i had a box named "Memories" i carefully took it from above the wardrobe placed it onto my bed...sitting down i opened the box rummaging through it i came across some old photos of me and the guys also some of me and Zak a tear ran down my face...i know i was upsetting myself by holding onto these photos, these memories. But I couldn't bring myself to part with them, it was as if, a small part of me still wanted to hold onto Zak.

I closed my eyes...picturing Zak walking into my bedroom sitting down on the bed next to me, as he used to do all the time we was together, i still felt his breathe on my neck and also his lips on mine...I was unsure if it was the fact that something was telling me i will see him soon or it did not feel right being with him no more it was like he vanished into thin air....I felt as if his hand was on my face i placed my hand onto my face then i opened my eyes. I lay down on my bed, tears falling down my cheeks, i could feel his arms around me, i could hear the sound of his heart sound of his heart beating as i lay on his chest. The way he made me feel safe, it all felt real, those were the times i truly missed...I wonder if he ever thinks of me.

I still layed there on the bed holding onto the photo of me and him,,,it was like he was a ghost trying to get my attention but i don't see him but i feel him still...think about him my thought were soon disturbed by my phone was Sara calling me about Paracon "Sam have you seen on twitter right now all the Ghost Adventures fans are going crazy in the UK there is another guest confirmed...its the Ghost Adventures Crew, I sat up, i told Sara i had to go so i hung up and went straight to my twitter. It was going crazy!! there I saw it....Paracon UK are pleased to announce that the Ghost Adventures Crew have agreed to be a our main guests. I froze, as if i was paralyzed, i couldn't speak or move, just sat there staring at my phone. The only thing going through my minds was...I am going to see him again, will i be emotionally strong enough to handle it.

I was sat on my bed, still dazed when Dave walked in, he looked at me, asked what was wrong, i don't want to go to Paracon i told him, "Why?" he asked, looking puzzled as he knew i was really looking forward to going. I didn't answer him, i just looked down at the photo that layed against my phone pinged 1 new email i opened it it was from Aarongoowincollections "Hi Sam, Aaron here. Damn its been a while how have you been?Hope you,re holding up ok. Anyway, as you probably know me and the guys are attending Paracon and i saw that you will be there so if your're not busy or anything maybe we could have a catch up? Myself,Nick,Billy and Jay would love to see you, Anyway if you still have my number give me a call sometime...A xx

That email did put a smile on my face i will admit, except for one thing..I noticed that there was no mention of Zak..Nothing was said about him wanting to see me. Has he forgotten about me? My heart sunk a little, I took a final look at the phot that lay in my hands before returning it to where it was I still had Aarons number in my phone, do I call him? I felt hesitant but...I took a deep breath and pressed the call button next to Aarons name. I like Aaron, he was like the goofy brother i never had, Always there to make me laugh. "Hey Sam whats up"....Aaron answered cheerfully...

I Will Love Him Forever & Always- Zak Bagans FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now