Chapter 8

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Paracon UK had finished now Myself and the guys had one day left until we had to make our separate ways it was hard on us all Zak never left my side he hardly stayed in his own hotel room we both knew what was coming Aaron took me to one side as we was walking through the streets "I have this for you" he took something from behind his back "Go on then open it" he looked up at me smiling i turned my head the guys was still walking away from us i opened was a group photo of us all acting crazy.

"I want you to look at this photo whenever you feel upset and remember this moment" "I know tomorrow is going to be hard on you but if you have anything you need to say to Zak you need to do it today" he walked off joined the rest of them i was just standing there looking down at the the photo i heard them laughing it was ok for them they saw each other nearly everyday also week i turned looked at them then i decided i was going to go back to my room i walked back to the hotel got to my room shut and locked the door behind me got my back and started to pack it ready for tomorrow i had to be up early the guys did not know i would be gone before they woke up i did not want to tell them...

I was disturbed by a knock on my door i just ignored it and carried on to pack my bag...My phone began to ring "Zak" was flashing up on my phone i cut it off straight away and threw my phone onto the bed carrying on packing my bag, then there was another knock at the door for god sake i thought i walked to the door unlocking it opening it guess who it was i let him in "Why did you leave like that?" he looked over onto the bed and he could see i was packing "You was going to leave without saying goodbye then, like i did to you" i looked to the floor he stood infront of me placing his index finger onto my chin and lifting my face up slowly looking into his deep blue eyes i just shook my head and looked back onto the floor.

"It is the way it has to be, its going to hurt me seeing you all go again"... "So you don't think doing it this way is going to hurt more...I would like to move back in with you again in a month if that's ok with you?" Ugh what he wanted to move in with me again he had the money to afford his own place yet he wanted to come and live with me again Dave would have no say in it anyway as i was renting the house and he wasn't...Could i have him living with me again? We all know what happened when he was living with me but i was single then...

"Look i still love you Sam, i can see it in your eyes that you still love me.." "Anyway i want to give you this" he passed me a envelope then he walked out of my room i sat onto the heart beating really fast i opened the envelope it was the ring but also there was a note with it to "Look i know i have been a prat in the past but i would like a second chance, you need a break if you would like i will pay for you to come and see me in Vegas, anyway let me know Zx" I thought yes i can really go to Vegas on my own...Dave would want to come with me...but i always wanted to go to Vegas also i would like to see some of the guys again.

I quickly got up of the bed ran out of my hotel room Zak was walking with the guys to his room they heard me running up behind them they stopped and turned...i ran upto Zak he put his arms out, "My answer is yes" he picked me up had a big smile on his face he spun me around the guys looked confused he gave me a big kiss on the cheek "Pack it in i don't want you germs" i said laughing "I feel like going out" Zak said the guys all nodded with agreement "I will have to get ready then..." I said to him i had a dress which i had not worn and was supposed to...its was about 4pm now so we all went our separate ways for now to get changed etc etc....

A few hours had passed it was time for the guys to come to my hotel room to meet up then go out together...first one to arrive was Zak as normal he always liked to be on time and well organized, "Damn you look good come here" pulling me in close to him breathing on my neck...i thought oh no i know what is going to happen now, he began to kiss my neck "No! we have to stop doing this" he just carried on "Zak get off me" he started to to put his hand up my dress "Get the F OFF me i'm warning you" i reached over to grab my phone dialing Aarons number "Hey i can't talk much just get to my hotel room now all of you!" he ended the call i heard them running down the corridor they knocked "Help me guys!" they came all barging in Zak was still doing what he was doing.

Nick put his hand onto Zaks shoulder "Come on bro lets just go out" now Zak was hurting my he was squeezing his hand onto my leg...I knew this could not be Zak the guys could see i was in pain...I lifted up my right arm grabbing onto Zaks hair pulling his head back he flinched in pain which then he took grasp of my leg harder..."CHARLES GET THE F OUT OF ZAK NOW..I'M TELLING YOU I WILL SEND YOU ASS STRAIGHT BACK TO HELL...WHERE YOU BELONG" Zak leg go off my leg i ran into the bathroom crying pushing Zak into Aaron looking at my leg he had fetched a little bit of blood where his nails had dug into my skin...,the bathroom light went off in the bathroom i heard a menacing laugh "I KNOW ITS YOU CHARLES I SAW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU...WE CAN HELP YOU" the light came back on I saw Charles appear "Help me?..why would you want to help me?" "You can't keep hurting the living Charles we have no hurt you" he then disappeared.

Jay knocked on the door "Sam are you ok?" i opened the door walking out Zak was sat on the bed with his head in his hands Nick was sat with him Aaron turned to me he knew what had just happened...I lay onto the bed they could all see my leg i covered it up "What happened in the bathroom you was really angry" "Charles appeared to me" they all looked at me concerned Zak still would not speak to me i got up...crouched infront of Zak "Look it was not your fault" i hugged him he hugged me back i felt sorry for him he had no idea what to say to me..

"But what about leg i want to see what i did?" i sighed lifted my dress up slightly "Its not that bad don't look so worried, I have had worse". We decided not to go out just get some drinks and bring them to the hotel room we wanted to spend the last night together in private with just us lot as when someone notices them thats it they get all the attention and i am just left there twiddling my thumbs we all got up dancing Zak was slow dancing with me my head on his chest Hand in Hand i felt safe yet again...we sent the last night all together off with a bang.

I Will Love Him Forever & Always- Zak Bagans FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now