Chapter 15

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It had been 4 days now the guys was due to land today myself and Sara had a blast nothing had happened, i was excited i got to see all the guys again...myself and Sara decided we was going to get some drinks in ready the guys knew we was going to throw them a party, i was just waiting for a text or call of them saying they was on the way myself and Sara had made them a welcome home banner and put it up outside. Made a bit of food and also a cake we loved them all i had wrapped there photos up individually including Zak's his was the biggest one.

It was about 2pm when i got a text of Zak saying they had just landed myself as well as Sata had dressed up nicely we jumped up and down when i received the text, we waited anquisly in the backroom hiding we heard a car pull up as well as them all speaking outside me as well as Sara hid in the bathroom we could not stop giggling "Where are they both?" we counted to 3 then came running out there was stood Zak/Aaron/Nick we was to excited I ran to Aaron as well as Nick giving them a big hug Zak was distant they remembered Sara as well she loved it "Ok guys sit down we have something for you" i went rushing upstairs getting there gifts...i came down "Ohh what do we have here?" they all said.

I gave Nick as well as Aarons there first they ripped them open seeing the photos smiling giving myself as well as Sara a hug she blushed, i took Zak into the front room shutting the door...Passing him his gift he opened it slowly looking at it he did not smile or nothing he placed it up against the wall, he looked on the  floor scratching his head What was his problem?...I knew this would happen...Always to good to be true....he looked back up smiling at me walking over to me giving me a massive hug he looked down at my wrist "You still have this?". I nodded he put his arms around me again just standing there tears began to roll down my eyes dropping onto his T Shirt i knew what was happening i looked at him...He looked at me but i did not feel anything my feelings for him was over....

I walked into the backroom crying leaving Zak standing in the front room Sara as well as Aaron and Nick all looked at me "Its done for good" crying more Sara came giving me a big hug i walked into the kitchen puring myself a glass of wine Zak came into the backroom they all turned facing him they knew by the look on his face, i sat down next to Aaron as well as Nick taking a drink of my wine...Sara aswell as Zak was whispering in the kitchen i was taking no notice of what they was saying Aaron had his arm around me with a beer in his hand Sara asked Zak to leave the kitchen ushering me to go into her shutting the door behind me "What happened???, you guys are inseperable then this happens..." "I don't know i looked at him no feelings" she sighed giving me another hug, she lit the candles on the cake i opened the door for her.

I drank the rest of my glass of wine in one go then entered the room the guys was blowing out the candles....Sara was taking a photo i just stood there in the doorway watching, Zak looked up at me walking over towards me while they was messing about he entered the kitchen shutting the door he looked up at me with them blue eyes walking over to me taking hold of my hands placing them into his, "Can we try again please?, i know its been hard for the both of us..." i looked into them deep blue eyes of his shaking my head answering now i got the bottle of wine out the fridge pouring myself another glass...then walking back into the back room sitting back down next to Aaron.

Nick as well as Aaron was eating cake they stopped eating both looking at me Zak walked straight through not saying a word...out the front door he went, they all looked at me especially Sara she sat down "Look you know this is not making you why are you doing it? proves something when you still have the bracelelt on your wrist" I took a drink of my wine moving my gaze to the floor...i had no idea how i felt? How can i let this happen again? A hour later Zak was back he seemed a bit happier but not much myself as well as Sara was a bit drunk at this time, we was having a blast herself as well as Zak kept looking at each other.

I was getting abit to close to Aaron Zak sat there watching me, although i did not like Aaron in a romance this point in time i did not care i kept whispering into Aarons ear, glancing over at Zak a few times while doing it...i wanted him to feel how i felt sometimes then he would maybe understand how i felt, it was getting late we all had had a few to many to drink so i said Nick Aswell as Aaron could stay over i looked over to Aaron placing my hand onto his knee...kissing him on the cheek Nick as well as Sara and Zak was just talking to eachother, i took no notice Myself as well as Aaron looked into eachothers eyes i kissed him, to my shock i did but i had had to much to drink...he kissed me back Nicks/Sara's as well as Zaks there faces just looked at us.

Some of you maybe thinking wow she has had all three of them now, with Aaron as well as Nick it just happened where as with Zak it was true, i decided i had enough taking Aarons hand leading him upto my bedroom he looked slightly thing led to another we ended up sleeping together that night, i woke up the next morning feeling like crap looking over to see Aaron was snoring next to me What had i done? i got out of bed putting my Pyjamas on walking out of my bedroom door shutting it quick as i left I saw Sara as well as Zak coming out of his bedroom she had his T shirt on from the night before, they both was kissing, they both saw me quickly stopping i just looked up at them then i carried on downstairs Nick was still asleep on the sofa.

I felt sorry for them Jetlag as well as the booze they had must of been tough it never realyl affected Zak...I put the kettle on making myself a Coffee rubbing my eyes Sara came walking in "Look its not what it looks like, we all had to much to drink last night, you was all over Aaron you really upset Zak" to be truthful i did not care it upset Zak Nick distracted us by asking to come through to the bathroom, Myself as well as Sara did not speak much Zak came down then Aaron did kissing me on the cheek...Ok then was he drunk when we had slept together? i erased that thought away from my mind, Zak cooked us all breakfast we sat at the table i was sat next to Zak Sara was on the on the end Nick as well as Aaron was sat opposite myself and Zak.

Zak had finished eating he was sitting there waiting for us all to finish, i felt a hand on my back i looked at Zak his arm was stretched his hand was softly placed onto my back...i had not gotten ready yet as i was being lazy, I finished my breakfast as well as my coffee then i freshened up in the bathroom walking upto my room i made my bed before getting ready i had not noticed Zak was standing in my doorway i was disturbed by my bedroom door shutting i turned my heart beating as my natural thought was Oh no they are back why now?...he came walking slowly over to me placing his hand in my hair our head touching looking into my brown eyes with his deep blue eyes, i think he understood now.

He gently moved his head to the left of my slightly touching my neck with his soft lips...breathing onto it very gently whilst removing his lips from his touch on my neck, my body filled with desire as well as lust is this all it took, he moved his soft warm lips away from my neck placing them onto my lips just once...i closed my eyes as he began to lay me onto my bed getting onto off me he pulled his T shirt off dropping it to the floor it had been a while since i had seen his body i bit my lip with temptation, he began to passionately kiss my neck again as i lay there my hand slightly pulling onto his hair every time he kissed my neck.....

I Will Love Him Forever & Always- Zak Bagans FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now