Chapter 4

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Alot had not happened since....a few days had passed it was time for the guys to fly home it was a very emotional day for us all none of us could hold back the tears...I arrived at the airport with them before they flew out "I'm going to miss you Hun...we need to move back here so we can hang out like we used to" Aaron said not wondering what to say they all gave me a hug but they did not want to go Zak was the last one to come up to me "I'm sorry for what i did can we be friends again" i nodded...I did not want to lose Zak or even speak to him but part of me was telling me i needed to do this. Before they went to the departure lounge we all took a group photo together they all gave me a hug before leaving once again but this time i knew i was going to stay in touch.

I got into the taxi...took the long journey home feeling hopeful yet sad at the same time...was i going to speak to them again before Paracon would they cancel there appearance....I arrived home Dave was in he was due to go out to work "Did you say goodbye to them then" I ran to him...I broke down in tears i wiped the tears from off my face My phone was ringing it was Sara "Are you home yet, you need to check your twitter its going crazy the fans are going crazy"...I quickly ran to the PC logged into my twitter 20 notifications Zak,Nick,Billy,Jay and Aaron had all tagged me in a tweet "We missed you was great seeing you again speak to you soon" I saw all the tweets back "What you know they GAC?" "How can you know the GAC?" Aaron replied to one "Yes she does know us shes just a very good friend of ours" and that was it my twitter was going crazy i had Follower after Follower then i saw they had posted the group photo up of us all....

We looked so happy Zak was staring at me in the photo which i had not noticed before then Zak put one up of just myself and him from a year ago "This was the best girl i ever set eyes upon, i let her go" his twitter was going crazy "Well why don't you get her back then?" "I'm so Jealous of her" could imagine the rest of them Sara decided she was going to Skype me we had not spoke in a few days she wanted to know what had happened also what Zak had said also what he had done "There is not much to tell i said to her, we argued had fights i gave him back the ring" "YOU DID WHAT, Sam that is the only thing you have of him which is sentimental value photos are nothing" "I have to go, i will speak to you later"...

I decided as Dave was at work i would go for a sleep for a hour it ended up being 4 hours i must of been emotionally drained I woke up in a dazed state and saw Zak walking up towards me smiling...I was dizzy i sat up still dizzy he approched the side of me took out his hand "Come with me" I was knocked from the Daze with my phone ringing very loudly "Aaron" i picked up the phone shaking "Hello" "You sound terrible are you ok" "Erm yes i just had a funny turn that's all" "I thought i would ring you to let you know i just got home it was great seeing you again Zak would not shut up about you, hes broken up with his GF" i sat there on my bed unsure what to say, "I have to go now but i will give you another call sometime speak soon".

I just sat there staring at me phone....what just happened is this true?,,,.has he broken up with his GF if he has why?....I wanted to ring him to see if he was Ok but i did not want to ask in case he did not want to speak about it....I hated the thought of me breaking up someones relationship but he did make a move on me and was not happy when i blew him off. I am with Dave now i never believe in cheating even with Zak i would never cheat on anyone, he had his chance before but No he just left and that was it then he comes back into my life and expects everything to be Ok well that is not happening.

I heard the front door be unlocked someone walked in Dave came running up the stairs he just looked at me "Whats up, you look like you have seen a ghost?" i sat there in silence still holding my phone expecting my phone to ring again Dave knew the GAC was my friends but he had no idea myself/Zak had been a couple a long time ago he walked to my side of the bed...sat down and he gave me a hug he had none the GAC had been over and i was out most the time with them...he looked at me "I love you do what you need to do, i won't stop you and i will be here", "I have work i will ring you when i am not busy".

He then went downstairs walked out the front door and locked it i got up off my bed...reached for the box again which had my memories in it....I placed it onto the bed got out the photos of us all again i smiled i got to the photo of Myself and Zak i placed my finger onto his face and brushed tears began to run down my cheeks, i missed him so much but could i tell him?...would Dave be happy if i did tell him?...Would it change how we was to each other?.

I took a deep breathe closed my eyes went to Zak's name pressed the call button...with my hand shaking it was hard to keep the phone began to ring "Hello" he answered in a sleepy nerves got the better of me i put the phone down threw it onto the bed my heart beating, I was beginning to panic i jumped slightly when i heard my phone going off...I picked it up hesitently my phone flashed "Zak" should i answer it or just let it ring?...i picked it up my hands shaking "Hello" i answered nervously "Hey you, why are you sounding nervous, you know who it is" he laughed i scratched my head and smiled "I have something to tell you also ask you?" the phone went quiet "Ok i have something to say also" i cleared my throat took another deep breathe..."I miss you i'm sorry for what i said to you...also pushing you like that" "Its fine i can understand why you did it i hurt you, i am not hoping for you to forgive me for what i did, i miss you to you made me happy, i have broke up with that girl so i am looking to stay single now".

I had no idea how to respond to that or even speak we sat there in silence not talking..."I have to go sweetie i will see you at Paracon in a month ok...i'm here if you need someone to talk, to nice to speak to you speak again soon" he then ended the call i placed the photo onto my bedside table packed the box up again...then placed it onto the top of the wardrobe it was never coming down again it was staying there i was not taking it down unless i needed to i decided i was going to ring my good friend Sara tell her what had happened "Hey Sam how are you" "I'm ok i guess i had a phone call earlier" "OMG you didn't by her response i knew she knew who i was speaking about, what did he say what did you say" "Not alot he misses me he understands if i won't forgive him for what he did to me in the past" "Damn what you going to do Paracon is only a month away now are you ready to say goodbye to him for good" "I don't know how can i say goodbye to him for good when hes with the guys as i'm still going to speak to them" "At the end of the day do what you need to do ok, i am your friend i will stick by you whatever you do" "I have to go Sara i need to have i think also check my emails" i ended the call.

What should i do....say goodbye to him for good? or tell him before its too late to?....

I Will Love Him Forever & Always- Zak Bagans FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now