Chapter 19

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A few days had passed Zak was with the guys over in Las Vegas Sara was now back at home to, nothing had happened since so the spiritual cleansing had finally worked for a changed but I knew I had someone always looking over my shoulder, Zak had text me and phoned a few times but it was not the same we was taking things slow now it was good we was both happy. He was in Vegas for a week it had been only two days why was it going to slow, I just wanted to be in his arms again so much and have him here with me.

I admit my radio show was keeping me busy but it was not enough I was disturbed from my thoughts by my friend Amanda popping up onto my Facebook with a new message, "Why has Zak mentioned your name on twitter?, That he is missing you and can't wait to see you again?" Oh yh I forgot she did not even know that Myself as well as Zak used to be a couple a long time ago as well as we was living together, I went onto twitter and there it twitter was going crazy I went back to my Facebook "Ohhhhhh yes we kinda live together" I could not tell her we was dating.

Not that she would tell anyone Zak did not want anyone to know yet only his close friends, he did not want me to get hate for it "No way he is living with you" I laughed "He is I swear down you will have to come and visit me someday then you will be able to see then" I think Amanda was in utter shock she loved Ghost Adventures As well as Zak some of the tweets was "OMG are you dating now?" "I am so Jealous" etc etc, this is what I hated about it he always got bombarded by girls who are about 16 years old but at I smiled at the thought that he was mine and I was his, I missed him to much I knew he was to busy to even miss me the time he only missed me when he was sleeping in bed alone.

When he was away I always sleep in one of his shirts as I felt close to him that way as well as sleep on the side which he slept on the days kept dragging and dragging I hated it but I was glad nothing was hurting me anymore or attached to him, but in the back of my mind the thought was still there he could bring something back with him again but he wanted to cleanse the house more now, it felt strange being with him again after all that heartbreak from so many years ago...Would it happen again would he just get up and leave never to come back. I could see we had a future together but did he I wanted us to eventually get married as well as a family but would Zak want a family.

The thought quickly escaped my mind when I heard my phone beginning to ring Who could this be? I thought to myself, I did not even check to see who was calling I just answered it "Hello....Who is this?" there was no answer at the other end of the phone then they ended the call, I looked onto the call log it was withheld Now I was beginning to panic I began to shake pacing up and down my kitchen. It could not be Zak he was in Vegas although it would cost me a fortune I decided to text Aaron "Can you call me please, someone has just rung me and hung up" he quickly rang me back "Zaks not here not seen him since yesterday, he is not even answering our phone calls" he said now I was panicking even more now.

I heard a knock at the my front door should I go and answer it I asked myself, I took up the courage grabbed my keys walking slowly over to the door trying to look through the stained glass window but I could not see anyone, I got to the door putting my key into the lock then turning it to unlock the door. I hesitantly opened the door very slowly looking no one was in front of my house, must of been some kids who thought it would be funny to knock onto my front door then run off. I shut the door walking back into my backroom going into the kitchen filling up the kettle with water, as I placed it onto its stand switching it on I heard my front door open and close, I was in a panic now "Who's there?" no reply I thought to myself it must of been I had not shut it properly .

I made me coffee placing it onto the dining room table then slowly walking into the Front room, seeing that there was a suitcase and a rucksack on the floor really confused me I looked all around the front room as well as outside but no one was to be seen. I walked back into the Back room locking the front door beforehand, I turned to walk over to the coffee table, I was shocked to see what I saw....Zak was standing there with a massive smile on his face, How could he of been so quiet walking around he must of sneaked past whilst I was making myself a coffee but I did not notice the Case or the rucksack to be his. I ran that very short distance towards him giving him a massive hug and a kiss on the lips.

I was still not really dressed I was still in his shirt "Why are you back so early?" I said looking up into this blue eyes "I thought I would surprise you, I have missed you so much" it felt strange him being back but I was happy now I sat on the sofa drinking my coffee I had a Radio show to do tonight so I had to make sure everything was set up beforehand it was just one of the normal discuss the Paranormal and Ghost Adventures Show, this was the first time Zak would be in the house whilst I did it would i feel comfortable talking about the show knowing that he will be sat right behind me listening to me do the show. 

Would I be able to keep my nerve when I said Zaks name as I know Sara always spoke about him on the Radio Show, I needed to keep our relationship as well as the fact he lived with me a secret to, we sat on the sofa my feet up with Zaks arm around me watching TV it was great he was back but why did Aaron not say anything. I fell asleep in his arms listening to his heart beat as I have done so many times before I was feeling safe which felt great after spending a few years in fear of a unseen force Zak knew how risky it was now so he always made sure he got spiritualy cleansed before coming back home as I always asked him he knew that if he did not I would not allow him into the house.

He woke me up "Do you want something to eat?" he said looking down at me I looked up at him rubbing my eyes "Can we sit her a bit longer" looking at him and smiling he smiled back down at me nodding, Pulling me in closer I loved how we was with each other at the moment I was a romantic when I felt like it as well as Zak could we was friends as well as a couple it still was strange not telling a few people who I wanted to but I could not. We lay there for about another 30 minutes until he got up "I have something to give you, let me just go and get it" he quickly walked off watching his ass sway as he left the room.

I sat there thinking Oh I bet he is going to get on one knee like he had done so many times before, but it was to early for that we had only been dating again for a few weeks. We slept in the same bed sometimes we had not got up to anything really naughty yet as we both know what it would be like once we started all that again, I think we was just enjoying each others company for now someone to spend time with etc etc. we had no idea what was in the future for us both who does you never know what will happen the next day. He came back passing me a a big envelope What was in this thing? Knowing his sense of humour it would be something funny, I hesitantly opened it Zak watching me where was a Airplane ticket as well as a contract to work along with them as part of the crew doing my Radio show while they was out on the road.

I looked at it not saying a word I placed it all back into the envelope passing it back to Zak he looked confused "I will have to read it all thoroughly later, I can't read it right now, I have the show soon" I picked up my phone then going upstairs to ring Sara, She did not answer so I rung her again she sent me a message on Facebook "I can't answer right now give me ten minutes I will ring you back" the 10 minutes seemed like a eternity I closed my bedroom door sitting on the bed "Hi sorry I was busy whats the matter?" I sat there on my bed hands shaking heart beating fast, I would not speak to her I had no idea what to say it was my dream to work alongside Zak as well as the guys but was I ready to to leave my life here my friends as well as family.

"Zak surprised me earlier he came home early...he has just given me a contract as well as a ticket to Vegas" Sara went silent "What are you going to need to read the contract in full detail" She knew I would anyway "I think Zak thinks I don't want to go or have it....I have no idea what to say to him, I have my Show soon how am I going to concentrate?" "Just take a deep breathe and relax you can worry about it later" I smiled every time I was on the phone to Sara she made me laugh she also was like a sister to me she cared alot about me and I cared alot about her as well as my other friends She knew how to cheer me up she knew about me and Zak she just wanted me to do what made me happy she would always stand by me as well as she helped me out with the show whenever she could. 

I got off the phone walking back downstairs taking a deep breathe Zak was sat on the sofa staring into thin air, he always did this when he was thinking about something, he thought to much sometimes I cleared my throat he turned looking at me "Come here please" looking up at me with conceren in his eyes, I sat down next to him feeling rather uncomfortable "Whatever you decide I will still be here because I love you with all my heart, I have never met anyone like you before, we are meant to be together" I though Ok why is he saying this? Did he realize what I wanted now? But would he be there with me or against me? 

Only time would tell......

I Will Love Him Forever & Always- Zak Bagans FanFicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora