Chapter 18

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I loved Zak, always have done despite how he treated me. But I cannot keep pretending I was strong, Every time I was around Zak this unseen force kept trying to hurt me, something didn't want me with him it felt like. But despite all that a part of me just wanted to hug him and forgive him and forget about all the drama, But could I?, mentally and physically, cope with it all? What id he leaves me again it would finish me...I love Zak, I always will but....I don't know what to do. My heart says take him back but my mind says no, should I follow my heart.

It could be risky for us both with this unseen force trying to hurt me all the time, I had no idea what I was going to do I loved Zak but  was something stopping us from being together...Its as if Zak has a spirit Attached to him that wants Zak all to itself, Getting back with Zak could be very risky for me as well as him. Something that is attached to Zak clearly doesn't like me and doesn't want me near him and it's trying everything to stop us being together. I feel it's a war with myself and so far I'm losing, But this I feel is the final battle...If I throw in the towel now the unseen force will win and all I'll lose Zak forever and deep down I didn't want that. I want to fight for him, all the times I have been cleansed after attacks....maybe Zak is the one that needed a spiritual cleaning, to rid him of this evil spirit if that is what it is. But how am I to convince him? if he truly loves me he will do this for me...

Why does this unseen force allow me to be with Aaron but not Zak or Nick. is it because the unseen force is attached to Zak somehow it must want Zak to itself but if it did it must mean its a female spirit attached itself to Zak I know its easily done for spirits to attach themselves with the work he does, but what did they want with him, would myself as well as Zak be able to find out before it was to late...I was quickly back in reality looking up at Zak hugging him tightly, how could I let him go I could be in his arms forever I smiled up at him placing my head onto his chest, he kissed my head then letting go of me I held onto him even harder making him lose his balance a little "Oh you are not done yet then?" he said laughing a little.

I let go of him after a while he walked back into the house I sat back down on the chair it was a nice sunny day so I thought why should I stay in the house, I Text Nick asking himself as well as Sara and Aaron to come speak with me outside in private...Ten minutes later I was joined by all three of them they shut the door standing next to me I scratched my head then i looked at all three of them taking a deep breathe "I think something may be attached to Zak, every time myself and Zak try to get close or do anything else I get attacked by a unseen force" They all looked at me puzzled "You don't believe me have you noticed when I am alone with him something happens to me, when he even tries to help me".

Tears began to swell in my eyes I knew they did not believe me I was getting angry "Would you like me to prove it to you? Stay here" I got up out of the chair walking back into the house walking towards the door to the stairs opening it rushing up them I grabbed the cam corder I had hidden in the bedrooms the one with the footage on I stopped, Staring at my door unable to move I knew what was happening now and I was not to allow it to hurt me again i was filled with anger and rage. I forced myself out of the vortex which looked like it was filling one part of my bedroom storming downstairs Zak just looked at me as I stormed through the house to the back yard "You want proof here it is" Passing Aaron the Cam Corder he turned it on I heard my voice on it they all stood there carefully watching the screen I had seen this footage myself I continued to sit there hearing me screaming on the Cam Corder I hated hearing it but they needed to see it.

The footage stopped they was all looking at me in shock "I told you" the footage they had seen was when a unseen force took over Zak when he had be up against the wardrobe tieing my hands with his belt, before all this started you can see a black shadow go towards Zak then it all escalated from there Nick sat down next to me placing his hand onto my back "You need to show this to Zak, then he will understand and he will get something done about it", Aaron passed me the Cam Corder back I took a deep breathe standing up heading into my house as the rest of them stayed outside Zak was on his phone in the backroom I sat down next to him, passing him the Cam Corder not even looking at him "You need to watch this" he took it off me placing his phone onto the sofa then opening the Cam Corder playing the clip I had to listen to it all over again I hated it once they had all seen it I wanted it getting rid of he stopped watching the clip turning the Cam Corder off just sitting there not saying a word or even looking at me.

I Will Love Him Forever & Always- Zak Bagans FanFicWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt