Chapter 17

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My lifeless body just lay there in Aarons arms not moving or spirit stood at the side of them all looking around, i just wanted to touch Zak for the last time to let him know i was still here...I saw Aaron had left the car keys on the side i walked over knocking them onto the floor, no response from them as i knew Zak felt when spirits touched him. I walked over standing in front of him putting my arms around him resting my head onto his chest he looked at Sara/Nick/Aaron..."Someone has there arms around me as well as there head on my chest".

They all looked over to him "Babe if that's you, move my pendant around my neck you got me?" i looked up at him he took his pendant out so it was on his T shirt...I pulled it making it break off his neck falling to the floor, tears began to fill his eyes, my spirit vanished they was looking up at Zak i grabbed onto Aarons arm slowly opening my eyes he looked down "Erm guys" they all looked down at me Zak got on the floor...placing me into his arms now i placed my hand onto his cheek smiling a little, i was very weak. He smiled Aaron got out his phone ringing a ambulance "You need to get checked over, just incase", 20 minutes later a ambulance arrived they helped me into a wheelchair taking me to the ambulance. the guys followed in the car.

What was going on?....What did these spirits want to do with me?...Was they after the guys attention?...but why get at me there is surely other ways while going to the hospital i had time to think I needed to tell the guys i needed to let them go Zak needs to move out and find his own place, I could not keep up with doing this all the time i was the one keep getting hurt it was not good...its was taking its toll on me and one day i know my body would give in as well as me, but something made me come back....I shook my head to clear my thoughts we arrived at the hospital i wanted to walk but they would not allow me to i feel awful in a wheelchair i was feeling alot better now but i still had no idea what to do.

The guys said they would wait for me while i got checked over, as it was none of there business...they took me in putting my into a cubicle helping me into the bed, i was capable of doing it myself i hated it when people help me out when i don't need it, i hated being at the same hospital every time something happened Mindy walked in not knowing it was me "Whats happened this time?" I just shrugged my shoulders at her looking to the floor while she checked me over...I did not want to speak about it she smiled, she understood why i did not want to speak about it she checked me over "The Dr will come and check you over more soon, then you should be able to go home".

I had to wait about 20 minutes for the Dr to come he came over to me checking me over like Mindy Earlier, i had no pain or anything "You can go if you like, I can see you don't have any injuries as well as no bruises" I was quickly out of there going to reception Zak was sat down with the rest of the guys... i walked up to them smiling "Ain't i going to get a hug then?" they all stood up giving me a group hug as we walked out Zak took my hand i did not stop him either, he wanted to protect me i know he did but was he making things worse for me.

We took the long walk to the Zaks Car opening the door for me to get into the Passenger seat, he quickly got into the drivers seat...Placing my seatbelt on i could see he was staring at me...Did he think i wanted him? we took the long journey to my house we did not speak to one another....He placed his hand on my knee. I looked at his hand just sat there, unsure of how I was feeling and what I was supposed to do. I know I still had feeling for him no matter how much I tried to dismiss them, I took a deep breath and placed my hand on his. The more I tired to fight my feelings the more I wanted gim , to be with him. Like we used to be, As I held his hand he looked at me, I looked back at him....Into those blue eyes that i could get lost in. I felt my eyes swell with tears, one tear fell down my cheek.

Zak pulled into the nearest lay by turning the engine off turning to me taking his seat belt off...wiping my tears away, he places his hand onto my cheek looking into my eyes with that little smirk he does, looking down to the floor then looking back at me "I miss you, we can't keep doing this" I looked out of the window trying not to swell up with tears again he gently moved my face to face him again "I am sorry for being a complete jerk to you, I want to protect you" i thought to myself how could he protect me from a unseen force he tried that last time and looked what happened. Before i could think or do anything else he kissed my lips. My body tingled to the touch of his lips on mine i kissed him back he placed his hand into my hair brushing his hand through which he had done so many times before.

Working his was slowly to my neck kissing it sensually, I closed my eyes trying to switch off but I could not...I could not resist no more pulling onto his T Shirt, then kissing him on the lips I had waited to long for this but i needed to...we was disturbed by his phone ringing he moved back over to the drivers seat taking his phone out of his pocket, Good job we was in a Lay by "Hello??? we will be there in a minute, we was just busy" he looked over to me winking at that sentence. Why is it every time we get to a "Lets rip each others clothes off moment" something always seems to happen??? was it not meant to actually happen or be? We was together a long time ago a very very very long time ago but could we get back to how we used to be or would it just be "Friends with benefits again".

Did i actually want that i wanted to settle down again now after being hurt so many times before, would it be with Zak or someone else....that I was unsure about he put his phone down starting up the engine again, it began to rain the rest of the way i looked out of my window there was a rainbow i smiled looking up at it, we arrived shortly after that outside my house Zak parked in front of Aarons Car he turned the engine off getting out of it, I just sat in the car looking out of the windscreen did i want to face the guys knowing what had just gone on? Zak did not seem bothered he was laughing and joking with the guys. There was a knock at my window it was Nick he made me jump he opened the door stooping down so he was at my level "Are you ok? What has happened?".

I undid my seatbelt beginning to get out of the car Nick moved aside i took my keys out of my jacket pocket, shakily placing the key into the lock turning it slowly...Unlocking it I walked into my house shutting the door behind me walking slowly into my kitchen opening my kettle to see if it needed filling with water i took it off its stand filling it up with cold water from the sink placing it back onto the stand and switching it on, I got a mug out of the cupboard filling it with a teaspoon of coffee as well as three sugars I stood waiting for the kettle to boil I heard the front door go not looking who it is, I felt arms around me as a head also placed onto my shoulders I smiled thinking it was Zak but i turned around and was surprised to see it was Aaron.....

What was he doing???? Had he just decided to give me a hug as he could see i was feeling down, he took his hands from around me when he heard Zak as well as Nick enter the house, I finished making my coffee then showed Aaron where everything was kept so he could make himself one...I went into the backroom placing my Coffee mug onto the table then sitting down onto the sofa inbetween Nick as well as Zak Aaron came walking out of the kitchen sitting on the chair infront of me looking at me, I hated it when people just stared at me I know what staring means the past few times now. I got up grabbing my Coffee mug sitting back on the Sofa Sara was still at mine she had no idea what to say or do she could see something had happened between myself as well as Zak she was like my sister she basically knew everything about me.

I finished drinking my coffee walking into the kitchen Sara followed me shutting the door behind her "Come outside with me for a moment we need to talk" I followed her outside my heart was beating i was nervous, we sat outside on the garden chairs she looked at me "Something has happened again hasn't it?" I looked to the floor scratching my neck not saying a word "I can see it in your eyes as well as through your body language....If you still have feelings for Zak you need to tell him before its to late" she got up walking back inside leaving me sitting outside on my own, What was i supposed to do? Although Zak apologized for being a Jerk he could still turn out to be one, how would i be able to cope again with him not being by my side sleeping in the same bed as me.

It was hard on us last time could this time be different? we had not even been together really since last time it was hard on us both last time but now i had my Radio Show to keep my busy while he was away working, I got up walking to my backdoor Zak came out shutting the door behind him gesturing his hand to ask me to sit down again I sat back onto the chair not looking at him, he picked up the chair bringing it next to me sitting down putting his hand into mine looking up at me "I have been thinking I have also been chatting with the guys as well as Sara" he looked to the floor then back at me "I want us to try again, this time I will treat you with the respect as well as love as you deserve" I was in shock why was he saying this? Did I want us to be together again? Would it be the same as before?

I had no idea what to say or even do he got up still holding my hand gesturing them to give him a hug i stood up moving towards him as he grabbed onto me slightly pulling me into a hug It felt so good in his arms.....

I Will Love Him Forever & Always- Zak Bagans FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now