Chapter 23

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I was awoken by Aaron carrying me in his arms I screamed he jumped "GET OFF ME!, PUT ME DOWN" he slowly let go of me so my feet touched the ground he took my hand as I tried to run off "I fount you out cold I was going to carry you back to the pub" I somehow doubted that it could of been Aaron who knocked me out but why would he. I carried on walking towards the pub Aaron stopped "Are you coming?" "Sam stop there i'm being serious". I took no notice which was a bad idea falling to the floor on my knees.

Aaron's P.O.V

I came to see if she was ok after everyone headed back to the pub How could she be pregnant....Why had she not told any of us?....I approached the bench seeing in the distance she was lying on it I quickly ran seeing she was out cold touching her, her skin was icy cold her skin was also white. I picked her up quickly turning back slowly carrying her back to the pub then she awoke I scared her she was accusing me of things it was not even me I suddenly stopped I saw a Black figure the same shape as her stood behind her back making the same movements as her that's why I told her to stop but she would not....I had no idea what to do as she fell to the floor and onto her knees.

End of Aaron's P.O.V

Feeling the stone cold wet pebbles on my skin my face fell hair falling forward to before closing my eyes I saw Aaron run past me Shouting everyone "GET OUT HERE NOW! NICK RUN TO THE CAR QUICK!" I heard them all approach me I heard Zaks voice "Sam....its me are you ok" I felt his hand touch mine it was icy cold I heard Aaron telling them what he had seen and how he had also fount me. I looked up with a menacing look on my face Zak saw it he quickly got up stepping back quickly "NICK WILL YOU HURRY THE HELL UP!" he shouted into the darkness I looked at Nick walking back stepping up "NICK RUN!!!!!!! ITS NOT SAM!" I could hear my friends crying calling my name out to Aaron as well as Zak was trying to comfort them I was at the back of my own body watching this thing happen.

Nick began to run I tried to fight to get back into my body but it was not working Nick got to the car trying to unlock it but it was to late he was now up against the car, He investigated the paranormal but the fear in his eyes was unseen, I felt helpless.....I could not do nothing.....I was calling Zak but they could not hear me Nick reached into his pocket pulling out a necklace Sara came towards him grabbing it then placing it around my neck I knew what it was for so I fought with all my might to fight this find it growled at me as I fought it I won for now. I loosened my grip on Nick collapsing he quickly took hold of me before I fully hit the ground Zak as well as Aaron was speaking to the guests as well as the workers "I'm sorry but we are going to have to leave you all she needs to get home" he shook all there hands and thanked them before getting into the back of the car Nick placing me down so my head was on Zak's lap covering me up with his jacket Zak brushing my hand with his hair.

I heard them all chatting on the way home Amanda was still crying she had not seen this happen to me before like the others had, I opened my eyes looking up at Zak he took no notice he was chatting to the others i took his hand he then looked down placing his finger onto his lips "Shhhh go back to sleep" I closed my eyes again I heard the car pull up Aaron turning off the engine then Nick opening the back door trying to pick me up again they all knew I would be very weak from all of this he carried me straight upstairs placing me onto the bed Zak stood in the doorway "Thanks Bro I will keep a eye on her now all of you get some sleep" he shut the bedroom door I slowly opened my eyes turning over he stood there looking concerned.

Walking over to the bed then lying on it placing me in his arms his head on mine "I'm concerned for you, why did you not tell me sooner....I think you need to come to Vegas a week early, I don't feel you are safe here" I looked up at him I thought how can I leave Sara as well as Amanda here we was both disturb by a knock on the door it was Sara as well as Amanda Zak covered me up with the quilt. They both walked in I could tell Amanda had been crying again the both sat at the edge of the bed "Are you ok now" I looked at them nodding my head Zak interrupted "Girls I think its best she comes with us tomorrow would you mind looking after the house until you both go home next week?" they both agreed they both gave me a hug then left.

Zak got out of the bed undressing just leaving his boxers on, then getting back into bed putting me in his arms again. I had my hand placed onto his chest I could not resist him even with what had happened earlier that night I looked up at him placing my hand onto his cheek moving his head down kissing his lips, at first he did not kiss me back then he did moving his body slightly foward. Then getting up helping my to lay on my back him now leant on the top of me he just lay there his arms at the side of me looking into my eyes he slowly began to delicately kiss my neck his breathe on my neck was Ecstasy he stopped taking my dress of looking up and down at my body his look just did something to me I could never stay mad at him nor could he with me.

We was a match made in heaven we had the same hobby Paranormal investigating was into the same music sometimes, yes there was a big age gap but we loved each other....if people love each other they should be allowed to be together, that was how we saw it anyway yes we had fights but we always made up does every couple not have fights we made the rest of the night eventfull I woke up at 5am looking over to see Zak still snoring we had to be up in 2 hours I could not sleep anymore I got up out of bed throwing my dressing gown on slowly walking downstairs not hoping to wake anyone up. I walked to the kitchen filling up the kettle to make myself a coffee. Walking intot he bathroom stretching looking in the mirror seeing scratches on my neck must of been from the event what happened at the pub.

I jumped out of my skin when I saw Zak walk into the bathroom still half asleep, going to the toilet had he even noticed me I doubt it he was half asleep I walked out of the bathroom making myself a coffee Amanda as well as Sara was now up. Zak was still in his boxers he came walking out of the bathroom seeing Sara as well as Amanda standing there he grabbed a towel putting it around his waist then going back upstairs, when he went upstairs the three of us burst out laughing his face was so funny he was in his boxers he wasn't naked maybe he felt embarrassed we sat at the table chatting waiting for Zak to come and cook breakfast then for the guys to arrive our bags was already packed I did not want to leave but I needed to I did not want to leave Sara or Amanda for a few weeks.

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