Chapter 22

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"I love you" kissing him "I love you to" smiling back at me picking me up slightly swinging me around a little he had asked me to take the ring of my finger, so he could do it front of the guys as well as my friends. I could not believe he said he loved me to finally he took the ring out of his pocket getting down on one knee again Sara/Amanda/Becky also Claire began to cry they all had tissues the guys was comforting them which made them worse. "Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife, make me even more happier" I smiled "Yes of course I will" he placed the ring onto my finger yet again kissing me now we was surrounded by all our friends congratulating us.

The workers came along with glasses of champagne I was glad the rest knew now but we needed to tell them on twitter as they would easily find out, I took a fork slightly tapping onto the glass to get every ones attention the room fell silent I asked the guys to stand behind myself as well as Zak I stood so I was facing them all "I would like to say something" I felt tears begin to fill my eyes I took a deep breathe "I would like to say Zak you mean the world to me, I am glad we are back on track now I missed you so much for all them years and now you are finally here with me again" Nick put his hand onto Zaks shoulder smiling "I am glad I also have all the guys back to it was not the same without you, I believe fate brought us all back together" tears began to fill my eyes Sara came to me but I asked her to go back to where she was stood.

I turned to my friends "I know I have not been entirely truthful with some of you the thing is...I had something attached to myself I nearly was not stood here....something did not like myself as well as Zak made us all do things which we should of not except for Aaron Nick cleared his throat....we have not got it sorted though" the guys all looked at me I collapsed onto the chair which was behind me my glass of champagne hitting the floor everyone rushed towards me but Zak as well as the guys stopped them all "Just give her a minute" Zak got to me lifting my head up "Can you open the doors for me fully I need to get her outside" he picked me up bridal style placing me onto a bench. "Right we need to go back inside" Sara looked at him "You can't just leave her out here! Anything could happen" Amanda looked at him in disgust "I will stay with her then! We need to make sure shes safe".

"Trust me you don't want to be here if something gets through her, myself as well as the guys have seen it" she looked at him nodded her head off they went. I opened my eyes looking around me confused I had my phone with me I got up rubbing my eyes walking into the woodland part, stopping at a part where there was a seating area I got my phone texting Zak "Come outside walk through the woods you will find me x" 20 minutes later he turned up looking confused I looked at him putting my hand out "Come here" he just stood there "Will you come here" he slowly walked over to me looking in my eyes "What are you giving me that look for? Its me, want me to prove it to you...myself and you in the woods now".

He still looked confused I grabbed onto his shirt pulling him closer then beginning to kiss him, he began to kiss me back with so much passion grabbing onto the back of my dress slightly, slightly pushing me up against a tree beginning to kiss my neck passionately I grabbed onto his shirt his heavy breathe on my neck was almost unbearable, I Kissed him on the lips "We need to get back" he stood upright straightening his shirt I straightened my dress as well as my hair. Hand in hand we walked back to the Pub smiling at everyone "Are you ok now" I nodded "Shall we get this night started then" the waiters shows us to the room. I think he had booked to many tables lol they decided to put all the tables together I was next to Zak Nick As well as Aaron was sat in front of us then Jay next to them.

Zak had the menu already set up Main course and Dessert, he made sure everyone was happy with it to he looked at me smiling, we was all chatting amongst each other everyone was so happy we ate dessert then just chatted for a while. Zak stood up from the table placing his linen napkin onto the table taking my hand "I have something for you" Whatelse could he have in store for me he went in the back then coming back out a few minutes later with a Collie puppy ribbon around its neck everybody awed I took hold of the puppy it was so cute he took the ribbon off giving me a key taking the puppy back off me then placing it into a carry case. 

"This is the key to my place in Vegas, we have to fly out can join us when your ticket is valid" the room fell silent I looked at him as tears swelled up my eyes storming out Sara/Becky/Claire followed me Amanda stayed there "Do you think you are going to go running to her! You have another thing coming! You know why she has to be careful....shes pregnant" the rest of the room looked at Zak Amanda then left quickly joining up with the us "I told him your pregnant" Sara looked at me "What you are pregnant again" she had known I had been before as I told her when I first told her about myself as well as Zak. Aaron came out asking to speak to me in private the girls look confused he sat on the bench next to me "How far are you gone?" I did not answer him, As you all recall myself as well as Aaron spent a night together doing god knows what when I was drunk.

I had no ideas who it was to be truthful it could be either of there's, I wanted it to be Zak's as I know what would happen if it was Aarons. He stood up walking back towards the pub leaving me on my own I looked at the ring glisten in light hearing footsteps come towards me I looked up all I saw was a Black shadow of a man then that was it I was out cold........

Who is this man? Is it a unseen force again?

I Will Love Him Forever & Always- Zak Bagans FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now