Chapter~21 Helping Fresh

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(Sorry I haven't been up dating....I have been having a bit of trouble with things lately)
Error's POV:
This. Guy. Is. An. ASSHOLE!!. I like him. I am bonding with the future me as we joke about each other's Ink. "Yea, mine is short!" Future Error joked. "Mines shorter!" I exclaimed. "Agreed" he said, and after that we destroyed things...or Mrs. Dellfire's office.
Ink's POV:
"His destroying something." I stated. The other me had a questionable look, like, 'how do you know?' "Because he always is, and when he does I feel-.....I feel a pit in my 'stomach'" I explained. He nodded as we continued working. "Help! Help!" Pj asked excitedly. "Do you wanna help?" I asked picking him up. He clapped his hands and nodded. "Ok" I lifted him up, as he giggled and he alien thing he called Bob. This child is insane. We took breaks in the middle of our work, so the future me doesn't ware out from being pregnant. 
~~~Back at the Orphanage~~~
Fresh's POV:
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! HIDE!!" I yelled as everyone obligated. Mrs. Dellfire got a new key to the dungeon after a swallowed the last one. "Come here you little pests! I only want to talk *cough* lockyouinthedungeon *cough*" her face was evil, and her grin stretched ear to ear wickedly. "Oh, who will be about~......Fresh. After you swallowed the last key!" She said in annoyance. I heard foot steps approaching me, and then I was being lifted from the ground. "SHIT!!" I screeched. "EXTRA time for cursing young man!" She scolded me. She took me down under the catacombs under the orphanage and to the cell. "You break out and I will personally make you hate that decision." She explained coldly. At the corner of my Eye I could see Error in the shadows. Once Mrs. Dellfire disappeared into the catacombs, Error came out. It took him 20 seconds to pick-lock the old rusty cell door and free me. Once he did he gave me an: I-can't-believe-how-stupid-you-are-to-not-have-stolen-the-key-from-her-back-pocket. I showed him everyone's favrioute finger (the middle one) and walked off. Getting stopped half way be old hairy legs that looked like they belong to Chewbacca. "Going somewhere?" Asked an old raspy voice. Error tried to play dumb to save his ass, "Mrs. Dellfire, I told Fresh not to go out but he didn't listen and he-" "I know you pick locked the cell door, Error" she cut him off. Error bowed his head "Fuck.." He cursed under his breath.
(Sorry it's short (like ink) but I have a lot going on and~I have been watching Percabeth 24/7!!!! I LOVE PERCY JACKSON AND HAVE FINISHED EVERY BOOK!!

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