Chapter~23 Schools in session

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Error's POV:

Breakfast was crap. It got worse when Mrs. Dellfire stood up. "Today, children, your schooling will start" she said, everyone groaned in annoyance. "I don't wanna.." Ink whined, sinking into me as if i'm a bean bag. "Well i have an idea~" i replied in a sing-song voice, he looked at me with sparkling eyes. "Really?" he asked, i nodded and he sunk into me more. Five minutes later Mrs. Dellfire spoke up, "follow me children" we all stood up. Some of us -Ink- rolled their eyes, Mrs. Dellfire guided us down the haul. "Pst! Ink" i whisper yelled, Ink looked at me questioningly. Taking his hand, i ran over behind a pillar. "Hehe! is this your plan? hide behind a pillar while they he to sit in class? they will find us you know" Ink laughed. "No they wont we're going to the roof" i grinned cheekily, he looked up at me and grinned too. Once everyone had turned the corner it was go time. Ink and I bolted up the stairs to the roof, giggling our non-existent asses off like little girls. Once we reached the top we swung the doors open. The view we had seen before, but it felt more magical this time. "Let's goo!~" Ink sang in a sing-song tone, i just smiled at his cuteness and followed him. "There!" he pulled me to a spot on the roof, "why here Inky?" i asked. He gave me a you-better-be-joking-or-you're-so-dead stare, "this" he continued "is where you said you loved me" he said. I blushed, " remember that?!" i buried my face in my jacket. "Of course! why wouldn't i?!" He asked sitting down, i sat next to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "It was so long ago..." i said, "yea, it wa-" "WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING UP HERE?! MRS. DELLFIRE IS GOING TO KILL YOU TWO!!" Miss. Megan shrieked. We stood up in blushing messes, still holding hands by the way. "Quick! quick! i-i will say that you were helping me! yes, that's a good idea!" she blabbered to herself. She pushed us down the stairs, i looked over at Ink. A smug 'i told you soo~' look was plastered on his face, "ass" i mimed to him. He gave me a fake hurt look, but his smile refused to keep him upset.

*Tem skip to when they get to the class room brought to you by Ink being a bitch to Error*

Error's POV:

Once we arrived Miss. Megan burst open the doors of the classroom, "hello Mrs. Dellfire, Ink and Error here helped me pick up the papers i had dropped on the way to my office, so excuse heir absence" i have to give it to her. She was good at lying, but Mrs. Dellfire was better at detecting them. "Yes, thank you Miss. Megan" she shot Ink and I an evil glare "leave them with me and you can go about your day" the old hag said in a fake happy voice. "Oh! of course, bye you two" Miss. Megan said, as soon as she exited the room we knew we were in shit. "What were you two actually doing?" it was more of a demand then a question, "we were helping Miss. Megan as she said. I'm going to be a smart ass on this one.

"The truth!"

"that is the truth"

She straightened her posture, and pointed a long ruler in my face, as she began to speak to everyone. "Now class, at the end of this wooden ruler is an ignorant pest!" she spat and looked at me. I grinned mischievously. "Which end?" i shrugged end grinned wider, everyone gasped and then the gasps turned into laughter. Mrs. Dellfire got out of her daze and waked me with the ruler, "sit down the both of you! or i'll give you one too!" she scolded at Ink and I but the last part was directed towards Ink. AS we sat down Geno and Fresh gave me a hi-five, "now". Mrs. Dellfire began "now that Error has finished being rude, i will continue" she said. I looked at the white board, as she dragged the white board marker across the white board, i don't give a shit about how frogs grow! i thought to myself. "Ink!" she called out, Ink got out of his seat confidently, he knew what he was doing. "Since you like drawing so much, you can draw the life cycle of a frog" Mrs. Dellfire commanded. Ink nodded enthusiastic to draw on the board, unlike Mrs. Dellfire -the old hag- Ink was graceful with his drawings. Just like when he draws in his art books, he gets me lost with every stroke across the board. I hadn't even realized Ink had finished until "ERROR!" i shot up. "What?! who died?!" i yelled, everyone began to laugh, even Ink. "Ha, Ha, since you were paying so much attention to the topic you can act out Ink's drawing" she said sarcastically laughing. I got up as some people went "ohhhhh~ his dead!" once i got to the front Ink had a smug look on his face. "Don't give me that look shorty" i groaned in annoyance, "i'm not short!" he protested. "Keep telling yourself that, skittles" i spat back jokingly, he huffed as i continued. Looking at the drawing, it was off eggs. I sat in a ball, "good, next" Mrs. Dellfire demanded, and it went on and on.

"tadpole" i laid on the floor.

"tadpole with two legs" i looked like a T-Rex with their short arms.

"tadpole with four legs" i just laid on the floor like a starfish

"froglet" i had no idea what that was but i just did a baby frog, i think that's what it is..

"frog" finally, payback. I got on top of Mrs. Dellfire's desk, "frog" i said smugly sitting in a frog position on her desk. Everyone erupted in laughter, even Ink what made me happy inside. "That's it! out!" she screeched picking me up by the hood of my hoodie, "animal cruelty!" i shouted, still in the frog position. "You are being cruel to frogs!" i shouted, she threw me out the class room, told, me to wait, and left. Let's just say............

I got board of waiting~


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