Chapter 12

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"So now what?" Sav asked flatly.

Stephanie was staring at her, eyes wide.

"Now you can go home. We'll let you know when you're needed." Oli spoke up timidly.

"I don't have a home." Savanna muttered.

"Savanna..." Steph croaked.

Sav waited, looking into Stephanie's eyes.

"We should go. Mama will be worried." Steph said quietly.

"Let her worry. I don't care. I'm not going with you." Sav snapped.

"Don't be like that." Stephanie pleaded.

Savanna stared straight into Steph's eyes, the burning glare making her uncomfortable.

"Sav. Let's go home." She pleaded again.

Savanna's stare was becoming more intense by the second.

"Make me."

Griffin stepped in. "Savanna... you need to go. I'll walk you if you'd feel more-"

"Stop!" She blurted out. "I can't go."
Tears started streaming down her face.
"I can't just live my life trying to forget! I need to do something..."

It was Olivia who embraced her in a hug this time.

"If it's that important, you can stay. We have a camp, you can sleep with me tonight and we'll figure things out in the morning; when we're rested." Oli stepped back, and looked at Savanna. "Does that sound like a plan?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Oli." She sniffled.

Griffin's jaw was clenched. He clearly didn't like that Savanna was upset.

"Stephanie, tell your mom that Savanna is staying with a friend tonight." Olivia insisted.

Steph was frozen in place.
Without a word, she turned sharply in the direction toward her house.

"I'll make sure she gets home safely." Shawn gulped, and followed her lead.


"Well, this is it, Sav." Griffin said.

They had arrived at- well - just another normal-looking spot of the forest they were walking through.

"This is... what, exactly?" Savanna asked, confused.

Drew, who had been silent up until now, chuckled.
"Follow me."

They all walked over a few yards, and Drew bent down to brush away some leaves from the ground.

"Woah." Savanna gasped.

Underneath about a foot of leaves was a rusty, metal hatch, sealed with a combination lock.

"You can't know the password yet. You'll have to have someone let you in. Don't worry, we'll tell you what it is eventually." Drew shrugged.

He fiddled with the lock for a few moments, then lifted open the hatch. He groaned from the weight of the metal.
There was a wooden ladder leading down into darkness.

Savanna swallowed.

"Ladies first." Drew said.

"Age before beauty." Savanna hastily replied, her eyes wide with fear.

The two boys laughed.

Oli rolled her eyes at their laughter. "It's ok, Sav. I'll stay right with you until you get settled, ok?"

Savanna nodded, and forced a small smile.

Griffin smiled at her before climbing down. Then Drew, then Oli.

"C'mon." Olivia chirped. "It's very sturdy.

Savanna cautiously stepped down the ladder after Oli.

"I'll lock up." Griffin said once they were all down, and started to climb back up the ladder.

Savanna looked around. Everything was pitch black. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but once they did, she saw a heavy-looking wooden door.

They all silently walked towards it.

There were three keyholes in the large door.
Drew pulled out a keychain from his back pocket, and unlocked the door.

It slowly swung open, and a ray of light filled Savanna's eyes.

A tall, young man stood to greet them.
He smiled showing deep dimples in his cheeks.
"You must be Savanna. I've heard a lot about you. The name's Ian."

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