The Outside View

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Jack's P.O.V

(Felix is normal Jack is bold)

J: Why the hell would you do that to him?

F: What?

J: Why the hell would you cheat on him for three months? He cut himself you know, he almost died. All because of you.

F: It's not my fault. He was always so self-centered. "Nobody loves me, not even you." "Why don't you care?" "Oh my god, I'm so ugly." At least with Cry I don't have to deal with that shit.

J: It's not his fault you liked him! And as his boyfriend, you're supposed to make him feel better when he says things like that. I bet you just shook it off. Now, he's in the hospital. He made ten deep cuts, he barely had a pulse when I found him. 


J: IT'S NOT HIS JOB TO ASK IT'S YOUR JOB TO NOTICE AND ALSO, YEAH, IT IS YOUR FAULT ALONG WITH ME AND A LOT OF OTHER PEOPLE THAT HE'S DEPRESSED. Whether we like it or not, we bullied him. We all did. Imagine being cast out for 3 years and be abused by former friends and have parents who don't care about you along with a dead brother. Wouldn't you be depressed? Wouldn't you feel like a piece of shit nobody likes?  And finally, when people like you, you find out the one who you thought loved you the most is cheating? This is your fault. And mine, and Tyler's, along with Bob, Wade, and Ethan. We bullied that little ball of sunshine known as Mark. How do you feel now? Do you still not care?
Read 12:09 pm

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"FUCKING COWARD," I yelled crying. What I said was brutally honest, but key word 'honest'. I did this to Mark. He's in there... because of me. I cried my eyes out. I hurt him so badly among with everybody else. Why did I do that? 

At least I love him and I would never cheat on him. Just then, I got a text from Wade. Great, fucking douche bag (I'M SORRY WADE I LOVE YOU) 

(Wade is normal, Jack is bold.)

Wade: I'm sorry for what I did... Will you take me back Jack?

J: No. 

Wade: Please? I know I fucked up, but I want you back.

J: Give me one good reason and MAYBE I'll consider it.

Wade: Bob and I decided we should just be friends and I immediately came back to you. That has to be worth something. Also, I was there for you for the entire time we were dating and even before.

J: No. So I get Bob's sloppy leftovers? Great... Just what I wanted. Especially when they're a mess. And yeah, you were there for me for 6 months and you were not there for me when we were friends so don't even try that bullshit. You were there and then you left without a warning. It's not my fault you don't care.
Read 12:34 pm

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This time I smiled. I finally got someone to block me who does nothing but bring me down. AND I got to finish telling him off, unlike Felix. I'll deal with you later...


Sorry this is so shitty. Stay strong and you are remember you are loved!

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