Chapter 5:Desire Me

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(Hmm. I like this chapter a lot. Two uploads in a day. Seriously fan me off, I'm on a roll)

   Cassie laid in bed along with Leti and Faith for their usual girls’ sleepover. It was almost six in the morning and they had they had arrived shortly after she’d gotten back from her date, finding her on the couch in her pajamas, face scrubbed and showered-smelling like Irish Spring and powder.

    “How was your date?” Faith asked giggling as Leti playfully punched her.

“It was okay,” She didn’t want to give them too much information, knowing they’d probably reveal the events to everyone if she did.

 “Okay as in you’d do it again or okay as in being nice,”

 I sigh knowing they’ll eventually find out. “It was great. We went to a nice restaurant and had dinner, then he dropped me off here,” She skimmed over the events of the evening, smiling to herself. After they’d gone to bed, Evan had called and they’d had an interesting conversation for a while. He’d told her he enjoyed kissing her and had asked her permission to kiss her again.

   She slipped from the bed, grabbing her cell phone and heading onto the balcony. Her body was flushed, as it had been all night since her last conversation with him. She wanted him badly, it was as if her body was betraying itself around him…even thinking about him. She was startled to see him calling her again so early in the morning. He had read her mind, calling her before she called him.

  “Good morning,” She answered the phone, trying not to sound like he hadn’t kept her up all night. While she had had no experience with the physical aspects of relationships, she’d heard her sisters talking while they thought she wasn’t listening. She’d heard all the naughty things they’d gotten up to.

She was a virgin but she wasn’t stupid…

“Do you sound that good in the morning? Good morning sweet cheeks,” She blushed looking out at the view of her neighborhood. She enjoyed her early mornings, feeling the clean air in her face. She had refused to live in downtown L.A but had opted to live in a small suburb. After all of her years studying in New York, she’d come to appreciate clean air.

 “I guess so. How’d you sleep?” She mentally hoped he slept better than she did. But she would never let him know he was the reason she couldn’t sleep.

 “I slept well. I was wondering something though,” His voice was mysterious but sexy. He sounded groggy as if he had just gotten out of bed. He waited for her to enquire what it was.

 “And that was?”                                                              

 “Why are you single?”

 She breathed out heavily trying to come up with an answer that wouldn’t make him think she was a weird cat lady. “I was all about my work…maybe in a way I’m still all about my work. I’m only now learning how to balance it all out. I don’t date because I’m always being compared to some skinny sized model. Men don’t find me attractive,” She admitted honestly. It was true that most men compared her to her tiny sister. They weren’t built alike even though they looked like twins sometimes.

  “I find you very attractive,” His low reply came through the handset.

“You’re the exception to the rule then,” She tried to keep a straight face and not to burst out laughing.

“You think I’m full of bullshit, don’t you?”

 A tiny laugh slips out. “A little,”

 “Well, if you can slip out in an hour, why don’t I treat you to breakfast?”

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