Chapter 17:P-M-S-I-N-G

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  Cassie retched, wiping her mouth and instantly reaching for her toothbrush. It was almost a week since she had begun throwing up, which wasn't rare when her period was coming. But this time it was worse than ever. Her body never reacted this way to the injections she received monthly before. To make matters worse, Evan was on a business call, an hour out of town and wasn't going to be back for a few more hours. Her stomach churned and before she could stop it,, the  burrito that she had for breakfast came right back up.

  Her cell rang breaking her away from her new friend- the toilet. "Hey sweetie. How are you feeling?" She heard her man's voice which made her smile through the nausea. The last time he had been here to hold her hair back and order his staff around to find all her comfort food but he wasn't here to make her better. To make matters worse, Jolie was being ultra bitchy and she wanted more that to send the kitty to live with her estranged boyfriend Max.

"I feel like shit," She managed to say reaching the toilet just in time while she disposed of everything but her liver.

 "Do you want me to come home? It's only an hour away remember?" He had a business meeting at his house, having changed it from Miami so he could be close to her. She sighed leaning against the wall. The coolness made the dull ache in her body lessen and she smiled weakly.

 "I'm okay. I'm going to go check in at work and then go spend the day with Leti," She looked at her reflection in the mirror hoping she could repair the damage from spending the entire night with her head over the toilet.

"YOU'RE NOT GOING TO WORK!"  She held the phone away from her ear while he went off through the phone. She sulked disconnecting the call getting dressed. WHO WAS HE TO EVEN TALK TO HER THAT WAY!

Her cell rang again and without looking at the number she knew who it was. "What?"

"I'm on my way home," His voice was soothing even when she was angry at him.


"I'm sorry love,"

 She burst out crying but was still angry. She blamed all her menstrual hormones for this. The first chance she got, she was going to get knocked up and get everything was coming out.

"Why are you crying?" She could hear amusement in his voice. It was month four of their relationship so he was used to her mood swings every month. The less he said was better for him if he didn't want to sleep on the couch. His track record was at stake here.

"I don't know... I'm just angry and frustrated and I miss you," She admitted a little too honestly. She could almost hear his smile through the phone. "Are you smiling?" She reached for the Bounty chocolate bar on the counter and bit into the heavenly chocolate goodness. She couldn't kill him with her mouth full and they both knew it.

 "Yes I am. I miss you too. I'll be home shortly sweetie," He blew a few kisses and got her to smile for a minute.

 The doorbell rang  a few minutes later, making her fall off the bed with a loud thud. "Who is it?" She tried to make her voice sound sweet and angelic but it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. She was not in a glamorous mood as she walked through the penthouse, sipping her frescante espresso that she had whipped up earlier.

  She scowled when she saw her man, learning against the door frame, oozing sexuality from every inch of his body. "You were saying you missed me Ms Payne, so here I am," He towered above her, instantly making her hot and bothered. Chocolate brown met steel grey. His eyes raked over her skin making that familiar blush warm her cheeks.

   "I did," She stood on her tiptoes, pressing a light kiss to his lips. Before he could battle with her lips for dominance, she broke the kiss off, leaving him with a puzzled look on his face. She laughed when he looked down at her.

 "C'mere woman," She ran off with him hot on her heels. Her sprint lasted no longer than five seconds before he caught her around  the waist, pulling her towards the bed with an evil glint in his eyes.

 "We can't," Her protests fell on deaf ears when instead of removing her clothing she found herself stradling his lap.

 "What can't we do sweetheart?" He nuzzled the sensitive area he'd come to learn brought her pleasure, hearing her breathing grow jagged. He kissed her how he wanted to kiss her, falling back on the bed, carrying her with him with a suprised gasp.

 "You know..."

"No I don't know," He smiled evily, watching transfixed as a lock of her hair coiled around his finger.

 "We can't make love," She bit her lips defiantely her cheeks turning completely red when he laughed at her.

 He whispered softly by her ear in what sounded like Greek. He made any language sound sexy with that Brian McKnight voice of his.

 "What does that mean?" She asked when he had released her lips from his captive hold.

 "It means that if I had my way, you'd be beneath me screaming my name. For now I'll have to make do with this," Her cheeks burned more and she could tell he was enjoying his little teasing. She was in no position to fight back.

"Is this punishment for not kissing you properly?" She asked with a wicked hint in her voice. He noticed it too and bit her lip, letting his hands do the talking for a change. In an instant he'd gotten her vest off, leaving her wearing her bra and loose fitting sweatpants.

   "If I was punishing you, you would know sweetheart," He traced her plump lips as he talked knowing he needed a distraction from the tempting woman still on top of him.

"Maybe I should make you really angry and see how this punishment goes," She pursed her lips together testing him. When his eyes darkened she pulled back just a tad, running her leg up and down his seductively.

 "You wouldn't want that. I wouldn't want to hurt you,"

"You never know. I might like it," She winked at him slipping from the bed fanning herself.

 "Where have you been all my life?" He came up behind her, holding her close nuzzling her neck.


He couldn't argue with that.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She moaned as she felt the rush of cool air on her feet. Below her, he nodded holding two bottles of nail polish in his hands.

"Of course I want to do this. Now will you lay back and relax,"

"Listen bubba, if you're giving me a pedicure, you have to talk like the Korean lady who does my nails," She glared down at him, loving the power she was possessing over him now. A few minutes ago her moods had taken another shift and he had said something stupid and was now trying to make up for it with a pedicure.

 "Alrite, I do evrytin for you," She giggled when he tried to mimic the Korean accent and watched him,  stretching luxuriously. 

She had him trained well...

The brush never touched her...

 Instead of the job at hand, he found himself distracted by her shapely legs. She felt his breath on her legs then felt his lips replacing his breath. She moaned softly  but managed to hold him off, using the pad of her foot, pressed against his muscular chest. "Play fair," She grinned at him, closing off the distance between then and kissing him with all the pent up passion she could muster.

 "I never play fair," 

She couldn't argue there either...

(So hi everybody. This chapter as inspired by my friend who goes mental once a month. Plus I'm watching Teen Wolf which is awesome sauce. Rawr. Next Chapter is going to be rated r. It's going to be in the rated r chapters. I'll try to water it down since I got underage fans)

Don't forget to vomment or I will go Teen Wolf on you!

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