Bonus 1: In The Lab With MonaAlona (They Call Me Poison & The King's Concubine)

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They call me Poison. 

Poison isn't my real name but let's pretend shall we..

They say I've got a vemon inside me that will make most men intimidated. And if you are biten by me, I'll drive you crazy. I'm a Supe but they have no idea what to call me. A cross between a werewolf and a vampire, a cross breed of extra ordinary nature and strength.

They blamed it on my mother, a powerful vampire, who mated with a were. Before they could destroy my family,we ran. 

I've been living this life since I was fourteen. I had no choice, nor did my parents as the men took me from my home, claiming I was cursed. Many girls in my area, bearing the mark were hunted and taken to the Factory. A factory for Supes, all bearing the mark of the cross breed. It was a blessing and a curse and we needed to be trained, to know how to handle our abilities.

The Factory was every young girl's nightmare. Those who were weak were discarded of. We learned the art of seduction but also were subjected to ten hours a day of martial arts. Sleep was a luxury, many could not survive without it.

They said when we turned twenty, they would let us go. My best friend Jace believed it..but as her birthday came, she did not get the chance to experience the outside world for long. They found her, naked and poisoned by our enemies. 

Someone pretending to be us.

We do not kill our own. As will Jace's death be avenged.

That's where I come in... I'm going after them myself.

If I could just get rid of the pesky human who decided to tag along.

(What do you think. I changed this from the way I wrote it down. I am so bad)

"I will always love you Katherine. Be my concubine, never leave my side," Prince Alex offered a poor slave girl, the ultimate prize. To be by his side forever, without letting another touch her.

It would go simply if he never married, and she'd be secured her place as queen if she bore him a child, but when she cannot, he remarries, still keeping her close to his side as a friend and occasional lover.

Things soon come apart when Alex's wife becomes jealous of the two, leaving the royal court in chaos, testing the trust between the two. 

A story of how a slave girl becomes one of  the King of England's most trusted allies.

True love always prevails

(The second is from my Royalty series.)

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