(1) Who Is Allie Grace

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Allie was hanging out by her dad's pool enjoying her last week of summer vacation before she has to fly back to NY for her last year of college.  As she was soaking up the sun she heard her dad yell "Hey Allie-Grace you have a letter from the college in the mail." She walks over to him and said "It's from NYU Housing office." 

"Dear Alison Grace Cooper

We regret to inform you that your room mates Olivia Cornell and Jani Landson have transferred to another college. You will be moved to Dorm Room 213 with Natasha Romanoff Wanda Maximoff and Valerie Carlson. We hope you enjoy the rest of the summer and we will see you soon.

NYU Housing Authority"

  "Just freaking great!" Allie said as she put the letter on the table.

Her dad said "What is wrong babygirl?" 

"They are moving me another dorm cause Olivia and Jani transferred out."

Her dad said "Good I never liked them anyways they enabled you to much."

She looked at her dad confused and said "Enabled me how?"

He chuckled and said "They enabled your I'm going to spend all my time in the library and study and not care about having a social life."

She just rolled her eyes and walked off.  She said "Dad I thought you wanted me to graduate college to nit fail college."

Her dad said "Allie I want you to graduate but I also want you to have some fun you know when they told me you was a girl I got excited and started to think about what kind of speech I would give a boy when you brought one home."

She started to laugh and said "Sorry to spoil your fun dad but I just want what you and mom had the fairytale." 

Her dad said "Well Allie-Grace you aren't going to find your fairytale sitting in the library all the time. And I'm pretty sure your mom would say the same thing if she was here. Why do you not want to room with these three girls."

She turned around and held up her phone to her dad and said "Because these three are the three biggest social butterflies and party girls."

Her dad said "Well see that's perfect. Just what you need three girls to give you a push."

She just rolled her eyes and said "Omg dad seriously I don't see the point in kissing a thousand frogs as mom would put it to find the guy I'm meant to be with. And I certainly don't want to just give my virginity to anyone."

She went inside and her dad followed her in and said "Babygirl atleast try and have fun this year please. Your mom has been gone 5 years it's time you stop cocooning yourself and let someone see how beautiful and amazing you are." She said "Fine dad I will try and get out more this year." 

Meanwhile in NY...

Wanda and Natasha were sitting at Steve's house that he shares with Bucky and Sam on Natasha's laptop looking at Allie's facebook.

Steve came into the kitchen and said "What are you girls doing?"

Wanda said "Oh we are looking at our new room mate's facebook page."

Natasha said "Oh wow is she gorgeous blue eyes with blonde hair."

Bucky happened to walk in right when she said that and said "Who are we looking at?"

Natasha closed her laptop real fast and said "Um no one that concerns you."

Steve said "The girls are getting a new room mate since Maria moved away."

Bucky got a grin on his face and said "Oh so a new girl for our group sounds exciting let me see her." Natasha said "No Barnes I won't let you corrupt this one." 

"Oh come on Nat I just want to see her." Bucky said.

"NO!" Both Wanda and Nat said in unison. They both got up and left the kitchen.

Bucky said "Do you know her name?"

Steve said "No I'm not helping you last time I helped you I didn't get sex from Nat for two weeks. What happen with Lacey anyway?"

Bucky said "Oh we broke up like two weeks ago."

Sam walked in and said "Well that explains your cranky ass attitude Barnes."

Bucky rolled his eyes and said "Fuck off Wilson." As Bucky left the kitchen to go find the girls to find out who this mystery girl is. 

Back in GA...

Allie-Grace was sitting out on what use to be her grandpa's farm. Which is now her dad's it was her favorite place to be when she is upset. Her Aunt Lisa came over and sat next to her and said "Allie your daddy told me that you were upset I thought you would be here."

She looked at her aunt and said "Did he tell you why I was upset?"

She said "Yes he did. Allie he's just worried about you that's all. Your daddy is just trying to figure out what is so wrong about you having fun again."

Allie got tears in her eyes as she said "Because the last time I was having fun I lost the most important person in my life."

Her aunt hugged her and said "Come on I'll make you dinner plus I think your grandma wants to talk to you." Allie got into her jeep and followed her aunt to her house. 

When she got in there her grandma was already drinking herself some whiskey and said "Oh there is my Allie-Grace come here I need to talk to you."

Allie went over to her grandma and sat down beside her. She said "Allie you better come home with a boy this Christmas or atleast be getting some action this year."

Allie was shocked by her grandma's comment and said "Oh my god Grandma not you too."

Her dad started laughing and said "Oh I'm sure that won't be a problem mom she got moved into a new dorm and according to Allie her new room mates are party girls."

Her grandma said "Oh that's wonderful your aunt Lisa can tell you how to be one she was one in college."

Allie took a sip of her sweet tea and said "I don't need help I just want this conversation about my non existent sex and social life to end." 

Her grandma said "Allison Grace Cooper you mean to tell me that no boy has been in between those tanned legs of yours."

Allie bit her lip and said "No grandma no boy has even kissed me."

Her grandma finally said "Oh well that is heartbreaking you are so gorgeous Allie-Grace."

Allie wanted to floor to open up and swallow her whole she just didn't see the point in just spreading her legs for anyone or maybe she just was asking to much from the universe. 

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