(16)Baby #1

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*time jump*

4 weeks later...

Allie was in her 38th week of pregnancy when she woke up to contractions in the middle of the night. She didn't want to wake up Bucky so she tried a hot shower to relax herself and she whispered to herself "Come on Bella Grace give mama a break please."

She started to cry as the pain became worse so she got her pajamas back on she was in so much pain she tried to lay back down she finally cried out in pain "Bucky please wake up."

He jumped he said "Baby what is it?"

She started to say something but cries of pain came out he said "Oh god baby are you in labor?"

She said "YES!!"

He said "Ok breathe baby I'm going to call the doctor and let them know we are coming ok. Just breathe dollbaby."

He called the doctor while he very hurriedly got himself dressed as Allie continued to cry in pain. He helped her get her shoes on and got her to the car. 

"God this hurts so much!!!" Allie cried out.

He grabbed her hand and kissed it and said "I know baby please we are almost there ok just breathe."

They made it to the hospital and he said "My wife is in labor and she can barely move."

The nurse brought out a wheelchair and helped them get to the labor and delivery department.

Her doctor came in and said "Allie honey you need to calm down ok I know this hurts."

Allie started to cry and said "Bucky I can't do this it hurts baby."

Bucky chuckled and said "It's a little late for that."

She said "Call my grandma please I need her please call her."

Bucky said "You want me to call your grandma at 4 in the morning."

She started to cry "Please just call her."

Right after she said that her water broke and that made the pain so much worse.

Within in 30 minutes Allie's grandma showed up and said "Grace honey you need to calm down I heard you as soon as I got off the elevator." 

"Grandma I can't do this. I don't wanna do this. It hurts so so bad." Allie said

"My Grace honey it's to late to bail out now Bella's coming. You can do this." Her grandma said.

"Then will someone please get me something for this damn pain." Allie said 

The nurse said "Mrs Barnes we have to check to see how much you are dilated before we can give an epidural."

Allie continued to cry she was never good with pain then she heard "Allie Grace you have to breathe babygirl ."

She saw her dad standing at the door as the nurse checked her. 

The nurse said "Allie you are at an 8 honey I'm sorry it's to close to time to push we cant give you an epidural. We can put something in your IV put it's not really going to help."

Allie started to cry even more and whispered "I can't do this."

Her dad walked over to her and said "Yes you can babygirl you are tough and strong just like your mama and she thought she couldn't have you."

She said "Daddy this hurts." 

1 hour later....

"OH GOD!!!!! No please I can't do this." Allie said as she felt like she needed to push.

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