(20) They Are Angels

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When Allie Grace was 30 weeks pregnant with the twin girls she was sitting in the kitchen trying to decide how she could fit 3 kids in one room. She didn't feel comfortable letting Bella sleep in one of the bedrooms downstairs at just 2 years old so she was trying to decide if she could fit 2 cribs and toddler bed in her room.

Bucky came in and kissed her cheek and said "Hey dollbaby what are you doing?" 

"Oh hey good your home. Can you draw me the dimensions of Bella's room. I'm trying to decide if we can fit the girls in one room. I don't know if I feel comfortable with Bella being down here alone at night." Allie said 

"Sure doll." Bucky says as he starts to draw Bella's room on a piece of computer paper.

"It will be a tight squeeze doll but we could make it work." he said once he was done. 

Allie sighed and went to one of the bedrooms that was off the kitchen.

"I guess I will have to add more things to my list of things to do. Re do Bella's room down here. Get another baby monitor and baby gate."  she said.

Bucky came up behind her and said "Doll please slow down these girls need to bake a little longer we will get it done." 

Allie had tears "I just want everything to be perfect." she said.

"It will be." Bucky said as he turned her around and wiped her tears "Baby what is wrong?"

"The boys just turned 1,Bella is turning 3 in September and now we are adding two more. I wanted a big family I just..I just thought that we would have two down here and two upstairs and now because we have had them so close together they are going to have to share till they are to old for the playroom." She said as tears fell.

"Oh baby it's ok we will make it work I promise." He kissed her. 

Allie went to make dinner and Bucky put Bella in her booster seat and the boys in the highchair. He helped her with dinner and made the kids plate while she made their plates as she turned around she thought of one more thing she was going to need two more highchairs. Later that night Bucky was working on something for work so she was sitting on the couch in his office on her laptop on pinterest trying to decide what to do for Bella's room. 

"Dollbaby it will get done maybe not the way you want it but it will get done." Bucky said to her as she had a stressed look on her face as she was scrolling through ideas. 

"I know I know." She said.

He got up and walked over to her and said "I need you Allie Grace. You have been like this every pregnancy and you end up with preclampsia everytime. You did with Bella and got put on bedrest cause you went into preterm labor the boys you were stressed but not nearly as bad as you were with Bella. Now this time you are stressed again. You need to slow down and breathe baby. I love you dollbaby and I need you to be here with me and the kids need you. I can't take care of 5 babies by myself I can't lose you baby." 

She had tears in her eyes and said "I um ok I will have Lisa and dad help me." 

By the end of her 31st week of pregnancy her dad and her aunt Lisa had Bella's new room done. Allie was so happy with it and Bella loved her new room especially cause she had a door that lead right to the bathroom since she was already potty trained. Allie hugged her dad when she saw it and said "Thank you daddy up next the girls room has to be completely re done." 

"Whoa babygirl slow down we just got the cribs in today." Joe said to his daughter. 

Allie heard her phone ringing in the kitchen and she went to answer it.

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