(19) Losing Grandma

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When the twins was 6 months Allie was getting everyone ready for the day. She and Bucky had work and her grandma always watched the boys and Bella for them so they could go to work. One morning Allie called to make sure her grandma was up like she did every morning when her grandma didn't answer her phone she called her aunt Lisa.

"Hey Lisa is grandma at your house? I know how sometimes she likes to eat breakfast with you." she said

"Um no honey she isn't here. Have you called her?" Lisa said 

"Yeah and she didn't answer and I don't want to take the kids over if she's not awake." Allie said 

"Well meet me at her house just you. Have Bucky watch the kids till we figure out what is going on." Lisa said to her

"Ok I will meet you there." Allie said as she hung up the phone. 

"Hey babe I need you stay here for a few minutes I'm going to meet Lisa at my grandma's house and then I will come back and get them." Allie said to Bucky who was feeding Carter. 

He said "OK dollbaby I will get both of the boys fed and changed ok."

She said "Thanks."

She grabbed her cellphone and keys and drove her car over to her grandma's house where Lisa was waiting for her. 

Lisa got out of her car and grabbed her niece's hand.

Allie said "Maybe she just overslept." 

"I hope so sweetie." Lisa said as they walked up to the door and knocked twice then Lisa used her key to get in the house. 

"Mom? mom you up?" Lisa said 

Allie checked her grandmother's bathrooms and then checked the tv room.

"Grandma are you ok?" Allie said

Then they both stood outside her bedroom door and took a big deep breathe and Lisa opened it. There they saw her she had passed away in her sleep.

Allie said "no grandma please wake up." 

Lisa said "Allie honey she's gone. She's already cold which means she died in her sleep." 

Allie called her dad and said "Daddy you need to get grandma's like now. She's passed away in her sleep. No Bucky has the kids at home I came over here with Lisa to see why she didn't answer her phone."

She hung up her phone and said "Dad is on his way."

She walked out of her grandma's house and drove back down the road to her house.

She walked into her house feeling very numb.

Bucky seen her and said "Dollbaby what's wrong?" 

"Um you need to call work and tell them that you won't be coming in today. John will more than likely not be there either. I need to call my secretary and have her cancel my appointments for the rest of the week." Allie said

"Allie what's wrong? Why are we not going to work." Bucky said

Allie started to cry and said "She's gone. She passed away in her sleep." 

Bucky grabbed Bella and the boys and put them in the playroom and grabbed his wife and said "Dollbaby I'm so sorry."

He knew how much Allie loved and respected her grandmother and how much she meant the world to Allie.

Allie broke in Bucky's arms he said "Shh let me make the phone calls you go upstairs and lay down for a minute." 

She wiped her tears and said "Thank you baby." 

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