(11) Moving The Date

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Later that night, Allie was sitting on the back porch at the boy's house calling her dad. She didn't want to do this conversation cause she also knew that it was going to include her possibly having to give up her dream summer wedding.

Her dad said "Hey babygirl what's up?" She said "Hey dad I have to tell you something and I'm not sure how to say it."

Bucky was standing in the door way behind her her dad said "Allie Grace you better not have broke up with that boy."
She said "Oh god No daddy it isn't that."

She started to cry and said "What is it Allie?"

She said "Um I um um I'm pregnant."

He said Allison Grace you better be kidding."

She said "I wish I was I um I went to the doctor this morning."

He said "Allie Grace how in the world did you let this happen?"

"Dad please don't yell at me it's not like I planned this to happen."

He started to say something when he heard his daughter crying on the other end of the phone. He realized  he was acting just like her grandpa acted when her mom called and said she was pregnant with Allie in her 2nd year of nursing school.

He said "I'm sorry Allie I shouldn't have yelled at you that's what your mom's dad did I vowed I would never be like that. Babygirl talk to me."

She had laid her phone down and was crying in her hands Bucky came over and picked up the phone and said "Hey Mr Cooper."

Her dad said "Bucky please tell me that she is ok."

Bucky said "She's just a little upset with herself and scared and nervous."

Her dad said "What happened tell me the truth."

He said "Sigh she was so busy trying to make sure that her first time was special and romantic that she forgot the one thing the most important thing protection. I was suppose to pull but I got so wrapped up in how good she felt that I didn't stop to pull out. I'm really sorry."

Her dad said "Bucky thank you for being honest with me. Believe me I know what its like to be wrapped up in the moment that's how I ended up with Allie Grace. Just promise me that you will be there for her and take care of her. And see what she wants to do about your alls wedding."

He said "I promise you I will do all that." They hung up the phone. 

"Allie he's not mad ....a little disappointed but not mad. He said that's actually how ended up with you."

She said "We have to move the wedding up."

He said "Allie are you sure you just don't want to wait till after the baby is born."

She said "No I want to get married before we have the baby please Bucky."

He grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead and said "If that's what you want then that's what we will do."

She laid her head on his shoulder and said "It's what I want Bucky."

He said "Ok well pick a date."

She said "March 10th".

He said "You want to get married next month on my birthday?" 

She laughed and said "Atleast you won't forget our anniversary."

He said "Haha..I know when our dating anniversary is September 25th."

She said "You just know when that is cause of what the day is to me."

He said "No it's the day I won the heart of the most beautiful girl in the world."

He kissed her and said "Come on let's go to bed."

That night Allie couldn't sleep all she thought about was how was she going to throw a wedding together in a month. 

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