(15) Starting A New Chapter

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A few weeks after they found out they were having a girl it was graduation the group was standing in the living room in their caps and gowns while their families took pictures before the ceremony. Then they had their families take one big group shot of them standing on the front porch of the boys' house. They all gathered at the graduation ceremony and got to their seats while their families found seats in the bleachers.

Bucky looked over at Allie-Grace and said "You feeling ok baby?"

She said "Yeah I just she's really moving today and it's becoming a little uncomfortable and I'm hot and feel sick."

He placed his hand on her stomach and said "It's ok dollbaby she's just excited for her mama and daddy."

Allie just laughed and said "Well she can be excited just a little less hyper."

Bucky just chuckled. The ceremony was long and Allie kept having to pee she was almost 30 weeks along. 

It was finally time to give out diplomas and Allie was relieved cause that meant it was almost over.

"The dean of the school said "We are going to start with our psychology department this girl is I'm about to give this special diploma to is a girl who I remember meeting her freshmen year and she told me that she had already declared her major which I though was incredible for a freshmen cause most freshmens don't know what they want to do their first year of college. She told me that she knew what she wanted to do since she was 8 years old. She's graduating with a 4.0 GPA all across her years here and she's going to make us very proud that she's a NYU alumni and that is Allison Grace Cooper -Barnes."

She bit her lip and all of her friends and family were yelling and screaming for her as she waddled her way up to the stage to get her diploma. The other person in their group that was in her department was Natasha. Then the dean continued going on with giving out diplomas then he got to Bucky's turn and he said "I have to say this next person to receive a diploma has been our biggest turn around and I have feeling that has something to do with his wife James Buchanan Barnes for architecture."

Allie said "YAY BABY!!!!" Bella Grace was going crazy in her belly when they said his name he came over to Allie and kissed her he said "It is because of you. You made me study and do homework."

She laughed and said "Damn straight baby."

After the ceremony they were all outside taking more pictures. That night Bucky and Allie finished packing up their room and loaded up the truck he put his bike in the back of the truck and loaded up a trailer that he bought just to make the move to GA. They were up at 6 AM and Allie cried saying goodbye to Natasha and Wanda and Val.

They had become like sisters to her.

Natasha said "We will see you in a few weeks we will come visit ok."

Allie wasn't looking forward to the long drive from NY to GA especially being as pregnant as she was. They got into the truck and pulled out of the driveway as their friends waved goodbye.

Allie said "Georgia here comes the Barnes." Bucky chuckled and said "Let's get it baby." 

It took almost two days to get down there mainly cause Allie had to pee a lot. They pulled into her dad's driveway he came outside and said "You all finally made it."

He kissed them both and said "I made breakfast it's ready."

Allie said "Good cause I'm starving. And if you don't mind I love you dad but I've got to pee so bad."

Bucky just rolled his eyes and said "God I'm so sick of hearing that."

Joe just laughed and said "Oh just think you still have 12 more weeks left."

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