(10) Uh-oh

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*time jump*

6 weeks later

Allie was asleep on her homework at the kitchen table at the boy's house and it wasn't even 8 PM. Bucky came in from work and seen her. And said "Allie baby wake up."

She woke up and said "Oh I must of fallen asleep reading."

He said "At the kitchen table?"

She said "Yeah I think I might have laid my head down to rest my eyes just a for a minute. What time is it?"

He said "Baby it's 630." She said "Oh well that was more than a minute more like 3 hours."

He said "Allie Grace you have been asleep since you got out of class." Natasha came out of Steve's room and said "Yeah she has she's been like this for almost two weeks now and not to mention she's not been eating like Allie either."

Allie started to gather her school stuff and head upstairs when Bucky said "Allie are you sure that you are ok?" 

"yes I'm fine geez can I just be tired and not feel like eating all the time." Allie said.

Natasha said "I guess so Allie.Except the other day I heard you getting sick before class."

She said "Natasha it was one time I'm freaking fine for godsakes I'm just tired and not hungry."

She went upstairs to Bucky's room. Natasha turned and looked at him. "Bucky please tell that you two are using protection?" He started rub the back of his neck and said "Um well see here's the thing."

She said "Bucky you do realize she could be pregnant right now."

He said "you heard her she's fine ok Nat she's not pregnant ok."

Bucky left the kitchen to find Allie asleep in his bed and then he heard her phone go off. 

He saw it was a notification from her period tracker app.

"Allie you are 10 days late."  was all it said and he whispered "Oh Allie Grace what are we going to do?"

She woke up when she heard her name and said "what are we going to do about what?"

He handed her phone to her and said "Baby why didn't you tell me you were late."

She said "Cause I keep hoping that I'm going to start."

He laid beside her and said "Allie you have to tell me these things."

She said "Bucky I've been sick and not hungry and tired. Like I want to sleep in class."

He said "I'll be back ok.." She said "Where are you going?"

As he was putting his shoes back on and said "I'm running to the store to get a test." 

He left to go to the store and as he was standing there staring at the thousands of tests he wasn't sure which one to get he never had to do this before. So he called Allie and said "Allie I dont know which one to get." She said "Well I don't either." So as much as she didn't want she yelled for Natasha and put her on the phone with Bucky.

She said "Ok Barnes there is one called Clear Blue get two of them." 

Natasha handed Allie back her phone and said "So how late are you?"

Allie bit her lip and said "Im 10 days late."

Natasha said "Allie Grace what happened?"

Allie said "When I did all that planning for my first time I kinda forgot about condoms. And Bucky promised me he would pull but that didn't happen and we just continued to just do it."

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